League of Maidens: Supporters Launch Guide

Supporters join the fight!

Guide to Supporter Abilities and Basic Strategies for the latest feature added to League of Maidens v1.7.5a

What are Supporters, how are they used, and what abilities do they add to your team?


What are Supporters?

A Supporter is a Warmaiden from your Roster that you can add from the Desktop to fight alongside you in League of Maidens. These Supporter Warmaidens will attack your enemies or provide buffs during combat while following you. What benefits they provide depends on their Class and Prestige Level.

How to add a Supporter?

  • Press ESC to bring up the Desktop
  • Press the [+] button next to your portrait in the lower-left corner
  • Select a Warmaiden from your Roster

How to use a Supporter?

Press the Supporter Keybind (Default P) to cycle the following (If a Supporter is not available/selected, the step is skipped)

  • One press deploys the first Supporter
  • Another press deploys the second Supporter if available
  • Another deploys both Supporters
  • A final keypress removes all Supporters.
  • Cycles back to beginning

Details and Notes

Your first Supporter is unlocked immediately with the second available after at least one character reaches Prestige 15 (Cost is 2500 Diamonds or 250,000 Shards – Account Wide)
The Supporter will have the current appearance of the Warmaiden selected. If you want to change the appearance, you’ll need to update the Warmaiden and then remove/add the Supporter back
You may not select a Warmaiden currently on Guard Duty
If you already have a Supporter in these slots, you may need to remove them and add them back for them to work in the 1.7.5a build

Supporter Abilities

All Supporters contribute to Gauntlet charge when they attack or eliminate a target.
Effects and Frequency of Skill Use are based on the Supporter’s Prestige Level 0 to 100.
The Supporter’s Power Level has some very minimal effect as well but with no cap.
Suggested Strategies below are just the beginning. Get creative.
Supporters will play random emotes when idle.
Supporters will play random dialogue based on the current situation.

The Assassin Supporter

Bow Strike: Unique Assassin ability that shoots a fiery arrow in a wide line toward the target, hitting others in its path.
Lightning Strike: Strikes the target once at Prestige Level 0-16, twice at 17-34, and three times at 35-50.
Strategy: The Assassin boosts damage overall in a wide area and being purely offensive, contributes most to Gauntlet recharge (along with the Warrior)

The Healer Supporter

Health Buff: Grants an initial max HP buff and then provides a small heal over time if not fully healed.
Lightning Storm: Similar to the Warmaiden skill
Strategy: If you prefer not to use shield buffs and potions, the healer will keep your health up while providing some AoE damage support.

The Sorceress Supporter

Magic Buff: Grants an initial max MP buff then provides MP recovery over time if not capped.
Meteor Strike: Similar to the Warmaiden Skill
Strategy: Great backup for those characters that tend to burn MP quickly like Tanks and Warriors

The Tank Supporter

Shield Buff: Places a shield on the player Warmaiden based on Prestige, then continues to add shield until capped.
Ground Slam Attack: Melee strikes on target. Strikes the target once at Prestige Level 0-16, twice at 17-34, and three times at 35-50.
Strategy: Even at the lowest level, the Tank provides great hit protection versus bosses like the Union who can break any amount of shield, but do not deal HP damage when doing so.

The Warrior Supporter

Long-Range Projectile: Similar to the Warmaiden power, delivering damage in a concentrated spot.
Lightning Strike: Strikes the target once at Prestige Level 0-16, twice at 17-34, and three times at 35-50.
Strategy: The Warrior boosts damage overall in a concentrated area and being purely offensive, contributes most to Gauntlet recharge (along with the Assassin)

Additional Tips and Tricks

What do I do if I only have one high level Warmaiden?

The easiest way to fix this is to add your high level Warmaiden as a Supporter and have them follow your lower level Warmaiden as this will boost their effectiveness significantly

The second way is to use your higher level Warmaiden to farm Light Cubes which can be placed in Shared Storage for use by other Warmaidens.
To save Light Cubes for your other Warmaidens go to:

  • Open Settings
  • Game – Game Options
  • Light Cube Converting
  • Set “Auto convert cubes to level” to Off
Select Supporters to suit your favorite Warmaiden and playstyle

Love your Tank but always running low on mana? Get yourself a Sorceress to buff and constantly replenish your MP.
Running an Assassin but are one dodge away from dying? Add a Healer to your team to keep that health meter full.
Ready to go full out in Blitz Mode? Pull out your Warrior Supporter for some extra burst damage and more Gauntlet snaps.
Healer OP? No Supporter Needed? Well how about a Tank to take care of those Alpha Strikes?

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