LOCKDOWN Protocol: Pressure Task Guide

Many people (me included) seemed to be having troubles with this task, so I took the time to figure out how to do it.


Simple Description

The pressure task consists of taking numbered canisters and inserting them into the machines.

The solution appears to always be randomly generated.


(in game map)

The machine is located on the bottom-right most area in the blue room marked with a wrench. There are two machines with four slots each directly to the right of the entrance.

(the machines)

The canisters are in the next room to the left- the orange room marked with a package and can be found on the shelves. They also tend to have a couple spawn pre-placed in the machines.

(the canisters)


The canisters (as mentioned in the previous section) spawn inside the orange storage room along with various other tools for different tasks.

You are always provided 8 canisters- the exact amount needed for the machines. The amount of each canister is also the same every time: three yellow 1 canisters, three red 2 canisters, and two blue 3 canisters

The Machine

The machine consists of two separate machines that both need to be filled with canisters. Each side has 4 slots for canisters-

each slot needs to have a canister before you are able to power it.

as well as buttons, a meter, and a lit indicator on the side.

the meter shows how much power is currently put to the machine.
The blue up-arrow button is used to give the machine power- one click will be half power and anymore will max it out.
The red down-arrow is used to take away power and shut it back down which is necessary for taking out canisters since you can’t take them out while the machine is still running.
The lit indicator shows the status of the machine- red = incomplete, green = pressure is good (and won’t explode), and blue = the task is complete.

How it Works

So if you’ve already played the game and tried to do this task, you will find that putting in the wrong canister causes the machine to explode, but what is it that makes the canister “wrong”?

Well every game the slots in the machine are assigned a random number value 1-3 and in turn need to be given a canister that matches said value.

When canisters pop out of the machine, it means the number is too low for the set value. If the canister stays when powered, then you have equal to or greater than the number needed.

The machine also does not need to be fully powered to test if the canisters are correct! (This is useful info for knowing how to solve the task.) When the machine is fully powered then each slot is being powered to it’s fullest aka 1=1, 2=2, 3=3 but when you only put the machine to half power, the slots are only being powered that much aka 1=.5, 2=1, 3=1.5

TLDR- each slot is a # 1-3, max power = full value of set number for slot, half power = half of the set value

How to Complete

Thankfully there is a surefire way to figure out what canisters go where!
I’m using a method that utilizes the machine’s ability to go half power instead of max power.

I saw this method explained by EmberChert on TikTok but I will be explaining how I do it since my way is different than what he shows in the video.

First, we place the canisters into the machine as shown below,

putting the lowest values of canisters in first.

Second, we will put the machine at half power (one click of the up-arrow button). One of two things will happen:
– A yellow (1) canister will pop out
– None of the canisters will pop out

If a yellow (1) canister pops out then that slot is a blue (3) canister- replace it with a blue (3) immediately.
(This is because the machine is only at half power and will only be a value of 1.5 instead of 3. Since canisters pop out when you don’t meet the set value, it would be 3. It would NOT be 2 because the half value would be 1 and would be met by the yellow (1) canister.)

If no canisters pop out then continue on to the next step.

Third, now that you have potentially swapped out a canister or two, you can power the machine to it’s fullest power and see if anything pops out now.

If the remaining yellow (1) canister(s) pop out then replace with a red (2) canister.

If the red (2) canister pops out then replace it with a blue (3) canister.

Lastly, repeat the process on the other side.

If the first side has both blue (3) canisters then you can fill in the slots on the second machine and max it out since you’re only looking to find where the red (2) canisters go.

If it seems that the yellow (1)s and red (2)s keep popping out on the second machine no matter the power level, then try changing a red (2) on the first machine with a yellow (1) from the second.

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