Nine Sols: All Region Maps

This guide provides an all-region map along with a brief walkthrough, including key strategies and decisions that may lead to different endings. Please note that this guide contains spoilers, so proceed with caution if you wish to avoid them.

Note: All Images are made by Aerys and labeled in Chinese



Complete map: It is divided into 12 areas according to color, and the location of the Nine Suns is marked. The following sections are detailed maps of each area.

How to unlock the detailed map: First, repair the damaged Shanhai 9000 in the Four Seasons Pavilion. After that, you can find a robot of the same shape in each area. After obtaining the chip, give it to Shanhai 9000 to display the detailed map and collection progress. Otherwise, you can only see the simplified map.

Simplified process: I advance in the order of Kuafu(夸付) → Goumang(勾芒) → Yanlao(奄老) → Jiequan(截全) → Fuxi(伏羲) & Nuwa(女娲) → Ji(姬). The order of Fuxi & Nuwa and Ji should be interchangeable. At the beginning, the Aphid cannot be directly attacked. You can advance the plot while waiting for notification. After defeating eight of the Nine Suns, go to the deepest part of the Tianhuo Research Institute to trigger the plot and enter the ending divergence point. Finally, go to the highest point to fight Yigong to enter the ending.

Key Abilities and Their Uses:

  • Taiji Kick: Allows you to step on green light spheres and counter enemy green light attacks by stomping.
  • Qiankun Sword: Capable of breaking blue light walls and enemy shields.
  • Lingkong Flash: Enables an aerial dash.
  • Shenyou: Teleports you from the Four Seasons Pavilion to any node.
  • Wuliang Counterattack: Breaks through security doors firing red bullets and counters enemy red light attacks.
  • Zongyun Step: Grants a double jump.
  • Yibent Ti Destroyer: Can defeat infinitely reviving Yibent Ti and destroy walls covered by them.


Map and Walkthrough:

Begin your journey in Peach Blossom Village, the starting map, and navigate through various regions such as the Ape Processing Plant, New Kunlun Central Hall, and the Energy Storage Well. Each area is marked with its unique features and challenges.

Peach Blossom Village (Initial Map): Your starting point in the adventure.

Ape Processing Plant: A region with its own set of trials.

New Kunlun Central Hall: A central hub for many activities.

Energy Storage Well (Kuafu): A critical area for resource management.

Agricultural Area (Gou Mang): Manage the farming and resources.

Warehouse (Old Yan): Store and manage your inventory.

Alchemy Factory (Jie Quan): Craft powerful items and elixirs.

Heavenly People Area (Fu Xi & Nu Wa): Encounter divine beings and their lore.

Taoist Grotto (Ji): Explore ancient and mystical places.

New Kunlun Computing Field (Fu Die): A region tied to the game’s climax.

Ancient Mine Pit: Delve into the depths for hidden treasures.

You can return to Taohua Village from here and need to advance to get the key

Tian Dao Research Center

New Kunlun Control Center (Yi Gong): The nerve center of operations.


Ending Divergences (Major Spoilers): After the Tian Huo Research Institute plot concludes, return to the Four Seasons Pavilion and speak with Kuafu. You will be given a choice between the Ape and the Sun people. Choosing the Sun people leads to the normal ending, while the Ape people lead to the true ending.

To access the true ending, certain conditions must be met, which are not yet fully understood. However, two confirmed requirements are:

  • Building a strong bond with Xuanxuan by giving him all the treasures, unlocking the “Curious Treasures” achievement.
  • Making Shennong the leader of Peach Blossom Village by giving him all the poisons and completing the Xinghe Ferry plot, unlocking the “Inheritance” achievement.
  • Acquiring the nuclear energy bomb, the location of which is currently unknown.

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