Tavern of Spear: Cheat Codes + Where to Enter

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to unlock the hidden cheats in Tavern of Spear! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of locating the cheat spot and entering the correct codes to enable these cheats. As of our latest update on July 18, 2024, we have verified the cheat codes for version 0.32a.


Cheat Codes for Version 0.32a

Locate the specific spot on the game screen and click on it five times.

Once you’ve done that, enter the code “glooooom” to activate the cheat. This method ensures that you can access the hidden features and advantages that the game developers have cleverly tucked away.

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Cheat Codes for Previous Versions

If you’re playing a previous version of the game, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. For version 0.31a, the cheat code is “deeeeer.” Again, click on the designated spot five times and then enter the code to unlock the cheat.

Similarly, for version 0.30b, the process is almost identical. Click the indicated area in the game five times and enter the code “justmoleandmole” to access the cheat features.


Unlocking cheats can significantly enhance your gaming experience, allowing you to access hidden content and features.

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