Riven: How to Open the Wooden Gate at the Start and Access the Maglev

Unlike Riven 1997 where you crawl under the wooden gate to get to the other side, or walk across the bridge to get to the spiderchair to open the maglev gates, things are a bit different in the 2024 version.

Below are instructions to help new players who are lost or returning players from 1997 who remember this game being slightly different!


Opening the gate and getting to the maglev.

After being released from the prison cell, head up the stairs and past the rotating room, you will see this gate.

To open the wooden gate click the top hinge to remove it, then click the gate again to open it.

If you can enter the rotating room from the wooden gate, you’re on the right path. Continue the puzzle till you have access to the golden dome.

Walk to the golden dome and take the stairs to your right, then exit out of that first door.

Follow the dirt path and look for a small wooden bridge leading to a door.

Open the door, sit in the spiderchair and use the controls to open the gates to access the maglev!

Chapter 2
Second Island
Jungle Island

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