Riven: 100% Achievement Guide

A guide to the Steam Achievements in the 2024 release of Riven. Contains spoilers.



Don’t read this guide if you haven’t finished the game yet!

It’s full of spoilers. Read it only if you missed some achievements and you want to get the beautiful 100%.

Sorry if my english is not berfect, it’s not my mother tongue. Feel free to suggest corrections in the comments or tell me if you don’t understand one of the achievements.

Unmissable if you finish the game (with the GOOD end)

Golden Dome Island

The first step is not always simple
Take your first steps on the Age of Riven

Monument to hubris
Enter the great gold dome

Jungle Island

Brittle brown leaves
Arrive on Jungle Island

A new perspective
Discover a strange Moiety device
On the beach, behind the rocks on the left to the 2 strange creatures sunbathing on a rock.

God’s-eye view
Look down upon the village
In the forest, take the elevator inside the scary Whark with stairs in the mouth. Go up, pass the rotating dome and go inside the little building there, use the lever to get up and you’ll get a beautiful view on the village.

Boiler Island

A Tree falls; a page arises
Arrive on Boiler Island

Pens of fate
Trespass in Gehn’s laboratory

Survey Island

Of scheming and schemata
Arrive on Survey Island

Below the surface
Access the hidden floor on Survey Island

Prison Island

Life is taken; an Age is given
Arrive on Prison Island

Who will link the broken chain?
Free Catherine from her prison


He who numbers but does not name
Visit every island in the Age of Riven

Dipped in black
Enter the Starry Expanse

Strands of a web
Connect every bridge inside the Starry Expanse

A warm welcome
Arrive on Tay

The cage has finally failed
Break free of the confines of the Fifth Age

The path home is now clear
Give Atrus back his life

This is where our paths must part
Complete Riven
I think you can also get this if you get a bad ending because more people have it than the precedent achievement. But I’m not sure.

Other achievements

Golden Dome Island

Discover the fate of Gehn’s man
On the right when you exit the “prison cell” you’re in when you first arrive on Riven, look over the side of the cliff. You have to do this early enough, because the guy get up and leave later in game.

Visual history
Discover the story of Gehn told through art
Look inside the five golden beetles inside the rotating room (peek for at least 5 seconds to be sure)

Collateral Damage
Cause the Boiler Island bridge to collapse
Inside the Golden Dome, take the stairs on the right, go all the way to the door on the back of the building, you will face a bridge you can’t reach. Follow the path on the right and you will get to a lever, use it and watch the bridge.

Jungle Island

Total collapse is imminent
Investigate the strange breach.
When you first arrive at Jungle Island and you reach the place with all the tree cut down, go to the left of the path and look at the black starry glitch.

The sign of five
Intrude on a Rivenese villager’s privacy
Inside the village you can knock on a villager’s door, do it five time and the villager will open briefly a tiny window to see who’s knocking.

Not the way you remember it
Recall a specific Moiety code
Inside the secret Moiety chamber where you need to click stones with animals on it, use the old 1997 Riven 5 animal solution.

Hidden in plain sight
Use the secret entrance to the Moiety caves
When you come back from Tay, you have Catherine’s journal. In it you will find a code to unlock a secret entrance. It is in the blue lighted room leading to the village, near the walls you have torches. You need to turn them on by clicking on it respecting the secret code, it will open a secret passage leading to the Moiety chamber with animal stones.

Boiler Island

The Watcher
Watch the fire marble polisher for 15 minutes in a single playthrough
In the middle of Gehn’s lab/office on boiler island there is a marble polisher. There is 2 levers, the left one activatet the polisher, the right one gives it momentum. Be sure to activate the polisher, give it enough momentum by using the right lever multiple times and watch the marble being polished. If the polisher slow down, use the right lever a couple more times.

Survey Island

Animal instincts
Anger the wahrk
On Survey Island you can access a room under the elevator with a big window underwater and 2 devices, one showing you surveillance camera, one turning colored lights on underwater. When you turn the red light on a strange animal come to the window. Do it multiple times until you anger the animal and it hits the window with the head.

Giving chase
Witness Gehn’s scribe escape on the maglev
The first time you take the golden elevator down, continue the path and if you’re fast enough you can witness someone escaping in the magnetic transport vehicle.

(Bad) Endings

This must be the end for you
Trap yourself in the Trap Book
Get trapped inside the prison book by simply using it at any inappropriate time.

Suffer Gehn’s wrath
When Gehn asks you to use the prison book, don’t use it. Then go back to Riven, then go back to 233 repeatedly, Gehn’s will get angry and shoot you.

Mixed signals
Summon Atrus prematurely
After you trapped Gehn inside the prison book but before releasing Catherine from her prison go to the closed rift at the start of the game and breach it. Atrus will come and be disappointed you haven’t freed Catherine.


Perhaps it would be best
Immediately acquiesce to Gehn’s command
The first time Gehn’s offers you to use the prison book be quick to accept by clicking on the book.

The journey of another
Finish reading every journal
Go through all the pages of the 4 journals :

  • one from Atrus you have from the start of the game
  • one from Gehn in his lab on boiler island
  • one from Catherine you get on Tay
  • a last one from Gehn in his bedroom on 233

A great deal of history
Watch all of Gehn’s imager recordings
In Gehn’s bedroom on 233, you will find a journal and an imager. At the end of the journal there are codes for the imager. To use the codes you need to click the little rock rectangle on the imager base, it will open and show you buttons. Press the buttons accordingly, close the button drawer and activate the imager. Do this for the 3 codes inside the journal (1 is already activated when you arrive in the bedroom).

Codes :

  • Keta – 5
  • Father – 2 3
  • Anna – 2 3 5

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