Third Crisis: Console Guide (How to Enable + Console Commands)

Hello, gamers! Vilsa here with a brand new guide that will delve into the console of Third Crisis. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use the console, which is primarily designed for debugging but can also be utilized to make your gaming experience smoother or to escape a game-breaking bug.

Note: Use the console with caution as it may disrupt your session and force you to reload an older save.


How to Enable the Console

Enabling the Console


Gif: Anduo Games

  1. Open the pause menu or navigate to the main menu.
  2. Access the Options menu.
  3. Click on the ‘Game’ category.
  4. Set ‘Enable Console (~)’ to ‘ON’.

Opening the Console

  • Windows / WebGL: The default keys to open the console are ~ and F2. You can customize this by going to the ‘Controls’ section in the options menu and adjusting the ‘Console’ bind as you see fit.
  • Android: From version 0.2.1 onward, there’s a gesture to open the console. Swipe down with two fingers from the top or up from the bottom. Note that versions prior to 0.2.1, including 0.2.0, do not support this gesture and you won’t be able to access the console on Android builds.


Useful Console Commands

While there are limited useful console commands outside of testing, here are a few that can be quite helpful:

  • Time.Set 6, 30, 35: Sets the in-game time to 6 hours, 30 minutes, and 35 seconds.
  • Level.Load Motel_GroundFloor: Loads the motel level where Jenna’s room is located.
  • Stat.AddValue stat_perversion, 1000: Adds 1000 perversion points to Jenna.


How to Read the Console Logs

Console logs are simple to read. They display all logs generated from console commands as well as logs or errors from Unity itself. This feature is particularly useful for capturing screenshots of errors when reporting bugs. To view more details about a specific log, click on the message and it will expand at the bottom of the console to show all related information.


Gif: Anduo Games

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