Fallout 3: Fixes for High Refresh Rate Monitors

Are you experiencing issues with movement speed and lip sync when playing Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition) on a high refresh rate monitor? Look no further. This guide by Actimel is designed to help you fine-tune your game settings to ensure a smooth and immersive gaming experience, tailored to the capabilities of your high refresh rate screen.



The Fallout 3 engine is inherently designed to operate at a 60 frames per second (fps) rate, with its physics calculations and game logic synchronized to this frame rate. When the game’s frame rate aligns with the monitor’s refresh rate, typically 60Hz, it guarantees consistent frame display and timing intervals.


Solution #1 (UNMODDED)

For those playing Fallout 3 without any modifications, the first fix involves adjusting your game settings to ensure that the frame rate does not exceed the monitor’s refresh rate. This can be achieved by:

  1. Navigating to the game’s settings menu.
  2. Locating the display or graphics settings.
  3. Adjusting the frame rate cap to 60 fps or enabling V-Sync if available.

These steps will help maintain the game’s intended pacing and prevent discrepancies in movement and audio synchronization.


Solution #2 (MODDED)

If you’re using mods that alter the game’s performance or visuals, the second fix is more complex. It requires:

  1. Identifying mods that may affect the game’s frame rate.
  2. Adjusting or disabling these mods if necessary.


Solution #3 (MODDED)

This method is shared by Actimel, and you will need to download the third-party tools, so use it at your own risk.

1.) Download and Install FOSE:

Visit the official FOSE website

Download the latest version of FOSE.

Extract the downloaded files to your Fallout 3 installation directory. This is typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 if you are using Steam.

2.) Install Fallout Stutter Remover (FSR):

Download the Fallout Stutter Remover (FSR) mod, which works in conjunction with FOSE to help stabilize the game at higher frame rates.

Extract the files to the Data folder within your Fallout 3 directory and
Configure Fallout Stutter Remover:
Navigate to the Data\FOSE\Plugins folder in your Fallout 3 directory.
Locate the sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini configuration file and open it with a text editor like Notepad.
Edit the Configuration File:

bManageFPS = 1
iMainHookPoint = 1

bInject_iFPSClamp = 1
fMaximumFPS = 144 (0 also works if u cap with another tool or use ipresentinterval)
fMinimumFPS = 15


bHookCriticalSections = 0 (crashed with 1 on for me)
bHookLightCriticalSections = 0 (game stutter with 1 on for me)

3.) go to

fMaxTime=0.0069 (for 144fps) or whichever hz your monitor runs at, see below.

fMaxTime=0.0166 is for 60fps
fMaxTime=0.0133 is for 75fps
fMaxTime=0.0111 is for 90fps
fMaxTime=0.0083 is for 120fps
fMaxTime=0.0069 is for 144fps
fMaxTime=0.0042 is for 240fps

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