A Little to the Left: Daily Tidy Pencil Guide

A helpful guide to deal with those pesky pencil puzzles for the Daily Tidy!



Welcome to my Daily Tidy pencil puzzle helpful guide!

Here I will breakdown the different types of solutions that you will come across in your daily tidy pencil puzzle variation.

NOTE: All daily tidy puzzles are variations of campaign based puzzles. Meaning one solution will not fit all.

ALSO NOTE: With each solution type it can be reversed. So if you’re going from shortest to longest, you can go from longest to shortest. If you go from lightest to darkest, you can go from darkest to lightest etc.

Colour Gradient

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


For this you arrange the pencil tips or even the pencil body colour itself from lightest to darkest colour gradient.

Note: In the campaign level they combine pencil tip and pencil body colour. As well as only having one solution for the campaign.

Whereas in a daily tidy puzzle you can reverse the solution (darkest to lightest colour gradient)

Pencil Tip Sharpness

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


For this type of solution you arrange the pencil tip by the sharpness of the point at the top. You can arrange the pencils from dullest to sharpest point, or you can reverse them and do sharpest to dullest.

Pencil Rubber Amount

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


With this type of solution you can arrange the pencils in order of the amount of rubber the pencil has at the bottom of the pencil.

You can order them least to greatest amount, or reversed so greatest to least amount.

Colour Gradient Split by Colour

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


For this you will have two sets of colours with 3 pencils each, and then one pencil which is a distinctively different pencil.

NOTE: Many guides have labelled this as “Rainbow” order when in fact, this is not the case.

Above you can see the seven pencil colours. The 3 pencils on the left has a beige colour to them. The pencils on the right have a green colour to them. In the middle is a blue coloured pencil.

You have THREE different colours there.

The singular distinct colour is placed in the middle.

You can then decide which of the two colours you want on each side. You can order the 3 coloured pencils by lightest to darkest gradient, or reversed so darkest to lightest.

Pencil Height

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


With this solution, you just arrange the pencils by their height. This can be shortest to tallest, or reversed so tallest to shortest.

Curls and Zigzags

This solution can be encountered on the following campaign level:


With this you have 3 of each type of curly pattern, or zigzag pattern along with a dash ( – ). You can place the dash in the middle of the arrangement.

Then you can either place the curly patterns on the left or right, but ordered by amount. It can be least to most curls/zigzags or reversed so most to least.

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