Once Human: How to Make Colored Text in Game Chat

One way to make these interactions more vibrant and personalized is by using colored text in your in-game chat. The following guide will walk you through the steps to achieve this in Once Human, adding a splash of color to your gaming conversations.


Basic Format Explanation

To begin, it’s essential to understand the syntax that enables the use of colored text in Once Human. The basic format is simple and can be easily memorized, allowing you to quickly add flair to your chat messages.

  • The Magic Prefix: Every colored text adventure starts with #c. This tells the game you’re about to lay down some color law.
  • The Color Code: Following the #c comes the secret sauce – a HEX code. This 6-digit code defines the exact color you want your text to be. You can find tons of HEX codes online or use a fancy color picker tool.
  • Painting the Words: Once you have your HEX code, slap it right after the #c. Now, type the message you want to color. Remember, no spaces allowed within the word itself!



Here are a few examples to get you started. These demonstrate how to put the basic format to use and create a variety of colored messages that will make your presence known in the game’s chat.

#cFF0000Welcome #cFFFF00to the#c0000FF Guild!
Breaking it down:

#cFF0000Welcome – Makes “Welcome” red (FF0000)
#cFFFF00to the – Turns “to the” yellow (FFFF00)
#c0000FF Guild! – Paints “Guild!” blue (0000FF)

1. Requesting Help with a Join Code:

#cFFFF00Please #c0000FFuse my join code #cFFFF00XXXXXX #cFF9933you’ll #cFFFF00get #c0000FFa #cAA00FFfree #cFF0000GUNNAME!
“Please” – Yellow (FFFF00)
“use my join code” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF9933)
“XXXXXX” – Replace with your actual join code (no color code)
“you’ll get a free GUNNAME!” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF0000)

2. Recruiting for a Warband:

#cFF0000Join #cFFFF00WARBANDNAME #c0000FFwe are a strong #cFFFF00PvP #c0000FFgroup that is #c507B88looking #cFFFF00for #c0000FFplayers
“Join WARBANDNAME” – Red (FF0000) and Yellow (FFFF00)
“we are a strong PvP group” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF9933)
“that is looking for players” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF9933)

3. Trading Resources:

#c507B88Looking to trade #cFF9933Acid #c507B88for #cFFFF00Sulfur, #cFF9933 1 #c507B88to #cFFFF00 5
“Looking to trade” – Yellow (FFFF00) and Blue (0000FF)
“Acid for Sulfur” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF9933)
“1 to 5” – Blue (0000FF) with highlights (AA00FF, FF9933)

Example credit to Palpatine


AI prompt

Use this ready-made prompt to engage an AI assistant within the game. It’s a clever trick to get the AI to work for you!

This is a prompt to explain the process of making colored in-game messages for Once Human. When sending messages in-game, the player can preface the message with #cHEXCODE to color the proceeding text. Here is an example of a properly formatted message:


In this example, each letter of the word “Color” is a different color. The #c indicates the start of the color code, and the following six-digit HEXCODE defines the specific color. Here’s a breakdown of the HEXCODE used in this example:

  • FF0000 – Red
  • 00FF00 – Green
  • FFFF00 – Yellow
  • 0000FF – Blue
  • FF00FF – Magenta

Prompt credit to Palpatine

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With the knowledge you’ve gained from this guide, you can now enhance your in-game chat experience in “Once Human.”

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