Palia: Best Garden Layout to Make Money

This guide provides a quick overview of the optimal garden layout to maximize your in-game earnings in Palia.


The Best Garden Layout for Making Money:

Image: DaChiefOfOwnage

  1. Five Apple Trees: Plant five apple trees in your garden. Apple trees are known for their profitability in Palia.
  2. 100% Self-Watering: Ensure that your apple trees are 100% self-watering. This feature will save you time and effort in maintaining the garden.
  3. 100% Weedproof Garden: Implement measures to make your entire garden 100% weedproof. This will prevent any loss in productivity due to weeds.
  4. Fully AFK (Automated Farming Kit): With the right setup, your garden can be fully automated, allowing you to be away from the keyboard (AFK), except for the initial setup and the occasional replanting of apple trees.

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