HerSoVerso: All Console Commands List

Welcome to the immersive world of HerSoVerso, a platform that seamlessly integrates streaming and interactive experiences. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive list of commands that will enhance your journey through this dynamic environment.



Here is a detailed list of commands that you can use in HerSoVerso:


  • !hersoverso – List of General commands
  • !scanlines – Activate/Deactivate Scanlines in Gameplay
  • !reverse – 5 minute gameplay annoyance and 45 CountDown, Screen backwards, not compatible with mirror, CountDown shared with mirror.
  • !mirror – 5 minute 45 CountDown gameplay annoyance, Mirrored Screen, not compatible with reverse, CountDown shared with reverse.
  • !spawn -The user summons his avatar into the world.
  • !controls – List of control commands for avatars
  • !custom – List of customization commands for avatars.
  • !gm – List of Games and


  • !frutajam – Fruit picking minigame
  • !casillas – Minigame of chance in boxes
  • !balls – circuit withz marbles
  • !br – HerSoVerso Battle Royale Minigame
  • !halloween – Interactive Halloween event with monsters.
  • !xmas (Event) [Under Construction]
  • !gift – Raffle event, “gift hunt” [Under Construction]


  • !walk – The avatar starts walking
  • !run – The avatar starts running
  • !jump – The avatar jumps
  • !stop – Avatar stops
  • !follow / !follow @user / !follow user – Avatar follows streamer / avatar follows specified user
  • !patrol – The avatar walks/runs freely
  • !right – The avatar turns to its right
  • !left – The avatar turns to its left
  • !180 – The avatar rotates 180ยบ
  • !pool – The avatar is teleported to the pool or leaves it if it is inside

for games

  • !hit – Hit the streamer or other avatars (can be used outside of minigames and in events)
  • !shoot – Shoot enemies or other avatars (can be used outside of minigames and in events)
  • !look “@user” / !look “user” – Looks towards other avatars (can be used outside of minigames and in events)
  • !play – Participate and teleport the avatar to the Minigames area (only if the game is active and requires it)
    In the minigames that go by squares, the commands are between !a1 and !h8 (Letters from A to H and numbers from 1 to 8 squares)

Character (customize)

  • !skinc – Change the avatar’s skin color
  • !male – Gender of the male avatar
  • !female – female avatar sex
  • !eyes – change the avatar’s eyes
  • !eyesc – change the avatar’s eye color
  • !pants – change the clothing of the avatar’s legs
  • !pantsc – change the color of the avatar’s leg clothing
  • !top – changes the clothing of the avatar’s torso
  • !topc – change the color of the torso clothing
  • !shoes – change shoes to avatar
  • !shoes – change the color of the avatar’s shoes
  • !hair – change the hairstyle to the avatar
  • !hairc – change the color of the avatar’s hairstyle

List created by HerSo



HerSoVerso is a constantly evolving platform, and as such, new commands and features may be added over time.

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