Anna’s Quest: How to Get the “Missing Cutscene”

*Spoilers Ahead*
If you have a missing cutscene in the Bonus menu after completing the story, this guide is for you.



There will be SPOILERS

If you’re like me and FULLY completed the game’s story you may or may not have had a bit of confusion after completing the story and even getting ALL the achievements/easter eggs. and noticed a blank space in the cinematics section of the Bonus menu.

Well first of all
I need to clarify a couple things…
The Good News:
Your game did NOT glitch.

The Bad News:
The game has a MISSABLE cutscene

In this guide I will
1. Explain how it was missed by most players.
2. (The reason you probably want) Show you how to unlock it.
3. Provide an optional summary for those who think no biggie and don’t feel like unlocking it but just want to know the context of the scene.

Once you trigger it in the correct chapter it will UNLOCK our elusive cutscene.

Why you, I, and other players else missed it?…

On our own end:

Don’t blame yourself if you missed it in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd+ playthroughs. Everyone plays differently and maybe hyper-focus on a specific idea when looking for answer to a puzzle. I followed the in-game hints a little too well and missed slightly different order of interactions and missed the failed attempt the game expects you to make first. Like I said we all will experience each moment of the game differently.

Let me ask you a couple things.
1. Did you see the Devil’s human form when you encountered him at the mansion?

So did I.

2. Did you see the Devil, sitting by the fire, as an actual Devil when you looked through keyhole?

So did I.

Now then…
3. Did you see the Devil, sitting by the fire AND in his HUMAN form?..

Think about it.

If you remember the first two FOR SURE but can’t guarantee you did that last one BEFORE seeing his ugly form, it’s probably because you (Like me) did them in the wrong order.
You did 1. then. 2. then 3.
But there’s a problem:
Apparently, you’re supposed to go: 1. 3. then 2.

Even the game is a bit confused by this because it places the “human form” Cutscene AFTER the “True form” one in the gallery which doesn’t make sense considering that it is meant to be a reveal after the human form.

The Devs side:
So I’m not gonna go into specifics or pretend to know how a game is planned, budgeted, developed, or released. But from what I could find someone got in contact with someone in the Daedalic team and after a bit of back and forth to pinpoint the issue the dev in question acknowledged it was probably an oversight.
All things considered it’s not that as bad as it could have been and nothing really BROKE the game because of this so. *Shrugs*

Now lets get back to the guide shall we?
How to tell the difference
If you take a look in the Cinematics Gallery part of the Bonus menu there SHOULD be two similar ones IF you have them unlocked. If one’s missing here’s how to know.
The Non-missable one is called “The Devil”

and has an EVIL looking, creature staring back at you.

The MISSABLE one is instead called “The Devil in Disguise”

and has a boring looking, old man calmly sitting by the fireplace.

Missing one?
Well that’s why I’m here

How to Unlock It

Get to Chapter IV
If you have already beaten the game once you can start a “New Game” in any of the chapters but this will put you at the beginning of whichever chapter you choose. So in this case you’ll start behind the bars of your cell after Winfriede had the guards imprison you at the end of chapter III.
Alternatively, if you have a save further along in Ch:3 that makes this go a lot faster.

The point in the story you need to be:
In Chapter IV: A Damsel’s Wager With the Devil (the one that takes place in the dungeon) you will have to have gotten past the Guard Troll in front of the Mansion by giving him his special drink (with THE secret ingredient lol), unlocked the cell where the Wizard rests, spoken to the devil and been given his two riddles and solved only the one about his favorite meal.

(NOTE: It’s possible that you may not need to solve any riddles to do be able to do this but I cannot confirm that so lets just continue with what I know to have worked)

This is what you need to do once here.
– Save the Game just in case you mess up and need to reload
– Go to the cell with the Wizard in it and click on the pile of meat next to him.
Anna asks if she can grab some and he has no problem with it and lets you know that you can have however many you like, meaning you can come back and get more meat if you need to this will be important if you make a misstep during this process.
– Once you have the meat in your inventory go up to the over-sized mansion door, past the sleeping Troll, and choose to “Look at” the door NOT “Interact” with it
– If you chose to “Interact” with the door and Anna knocks on it refer to “Oops 1A” at the bottom of this section.
– If you chose to “Look at” the door, Anna will lean forward with her arms on the door
(Like this:)
and the Cutscene (yes the one you’ve been waiting for) will play.
– *Cutscene plays* (Spying on an old dude by a fireplace. Meh)
– You’ll know you did it correctly if Anna says the following:
– Save the game in a spare slot and go to the Main Menu, go to Bonus, select the tab that looks like a movie reel where all the unlocked Cinematics are and there should be the Missing Scene:
“The Devil in Disguise” filling in the once empty square in the Gallery

If you got this far, Thank you for reading and I hope this helped and I hope you enjoyed the game just as much as I did.

Oops 1A:
Leave the conversation
– Navigate within the dialogue telling him that you need to go figure out the riddle. This is basically just saying “bye sorry to bother ya” with extra steps.
– If you chose the wrong dialogue option and give the Devil the meat and he takes it like the weirdo he is, refer to “Oops 1B”
– Reach the door and “Look at” it the same way Anna “Looks at” the items in the Antique Shop in the previous chapter. Usually this will only make her comment on what you select and not actually touch it but in this case its a bit different because it triggers the cutscene. Refer to the steps and images above and see if it matches.
– If it did, Well done. You did it.

Oops 1B:
Not to worry. You can still try one more option before reloading the save.
– Go back to the Wizard’s cell and get more meat.
– “Look at” the mansion doors and you should see the cutscene you need where the Devil is sitting as A HUMAN sitting by the fireplace
(NOTE: The game considers you getting more meat, walking back to the door, reaching the door as enough in-world time passing for him to finish his meal and be back in his HUMAN form I guess. This logic is never repeated anywhere else in the game because time isn’t even technically being used to cause this so its just specific to this situation)
– If you see a scene where the Devil looks like THE DEVIL and he stares back at you, refer to “Oops 1C”

Oops 1C:
– Reload the Save and start the guide again

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