Into the Necrovale: A Complete List of Rooms

list of rooms and a brief description of what each one has. for reference, as there are many of them. incomplete, but should cover most rooms

Accurate as of July 2024. may or may not update in the future



fight enemies, random tier loot chest at the end

  • encampment – skullbreakers. melee enemies
  • slums – random assortment of melee and ranged enemies
  • gallery – fight pelters. ranged enemies. they have destroyable barriers that mitigate some ranged dmg
  • colosseum – fight giants. small arena
  • confluence – fight warcriers. dangerous for melee users, make sure to stay mobile
  • observatory – fight draugr magi. watch out for the blue flames, ideally should bum rush them
  • rat’s nest – fight endless rat swarm. has random equips laying around. run through to find exit
  • spiritstrand – fight spirit archers. dangerous as they are semi transparent, hard to see
  • wraithbog – fight wraiths. dangerous as they teleport behind you
  • lilybog – fight viperlilies. dangerous for melee users, make sure to stay mobile
  • charnel house – fight shredders. melee enemies
  • dockyard – fight random assortment of swamp enemies
  • goatfold – fight goatmen. they have a charge attack that displaces you
  • carnarium – fight butchers. melee enemies
  • pavilion – fight random assortment of demonic enemies
  • convergence – fight enemies while moving across long field full of horses. need to dodge the horses (or kill, but they have a lot more hp).
  • ghastwood – fight howlers. dangerous for ranged as they move very fast
  • mistmoor – fight wraiths. dangerous as they teleport behind you
  • crypt – fight random assortment of draugr
  • blot – fight justicars. dangerous as they are fast.
  • dreadmire – fight husks. very slow moving, very easy to fight
  • citadel – fight random assortment of melee and ranged enemies
  • library – fight deadeyes. ranged enemy
  • gallows – fight random assortment of melee enemies. killed enemies may drop curses
  • estuary – fight random assortment of enemies
  • ossuary – fight draugr necromancers. they can summon minions, so rush them
  • kennels – fight wild dogs. melee enemy
  • boneyard – fight draugr lackeys. easy melee enemy
  • impnest – fight imps. melee enemy
  • maosuleum – fight random assortment of draugr
  • chasm – cross thin bridge. each level of the bridge has a pot with either gold or hope. there are floating enemies that spawn as you walk across. if you fall, fall to stygiana
  • spinner tunnels – fight spinners, melee enemy. lots spawn per wave, be careful.
  • bedchambers – fight naga. they move very fast
  • menagerie – fight pulex. slow moving melee enemy, but can jump to you. can drop curses on death
  • atrium – fight draugr archers. ranged enemy
  • war camp – fight cretin raiders. melee enemy
  • solarium – fight demonic sheperds
  • parlor – fight infernus. easy enemy, not many of them per room
  • stronghold – fight random assortment of hopeless enemies (from first zone)
  • garrison – fight cretin crushers. slow moving melee enemy
  • althing – fight warlords. melee enemy with spin attack
  • den of thieves – random item from inventory gets stolen at beginning of fight. kill all thieves to get item back. gives 2 additional items as well as standard loot chest at end
  • nave – fight zealot initiates. similar layout to kennels, except this time they have a homing fireball attack
  • stygiana – massive area with lots of enemies. follow terrain to get to exit. good for farming gold from enemies
  • depot – fight cretin sappers. melee enemy with ranged bomb attack. care for the explosive barrels
  • outpost – fight cretin rangers. dangerous for melee. rush them down before they can shoot, stay mobile
  • abyssal plane – fight to end of area to get gear with high refine
  • bazaar – fight various assortment of cretins
  • keep – fight draugr commanders. melee enemy with ranged attack.
  • veilmarsh – fight random assortment of swamp enemies
  • hallows – fight reapers. hard to see, somewhat dangerous
  • colonnade – fight random assortment of hollow enemies
  • riteshall – fight zealot ritegivers. slow moving melee
  • great hall – fight draugr knights. melee
  • coward’s bridge – cross thin bridge. only one path, bats spawn as you walk. if you fall, you fall into rat’s nest
  • floodplain – fight swamp monsters. each kill reduces despair
  • slipway – fight random assortment of swamp enemies


same as fight rooms, but you get allies that fight alongside you or need protecting

  • innocent’s path – escort innocent to end of the level. if successful, get random equip and -10 despair
  • milksop’s ordeal – protect milksop for set amount of waves. he does not move. if successful, get random equip
  • greenhaven – protect riverman for set amount of waves. he moves, but not much. if successful, get superior elixir
  • siege – fight alongside hopeless for set amount of waves


rooms with npc’s

  • cloister – has the harlot. reduces despair. can spend hope to upgrade. has pot that gives hope
  • test of might – dps test for a few seconds. gain equip with refinement level dependent on how high it is. from experience, +4 is the max
  • garden – has the gardener. gives fruit that increases loot drop rates. can spend hope to upgrade. has unlockable graveyard where you can gain 5 despair to get a random potion (x5)
  • fireshrine – has the flameseeker. gives buff that increases ember drop rate. can spend hope to upgrade. has unlockable area where you can get a random tier ember that you’ve obtained
  • oubliette – give curses to rawhead for buff. +200% ember drop rate, but +200% dmg taken. only takes one curse per instance
  • slophouse – has the grubgobbler. give bait for rewards
  • sanctum – has the mystic. gives random buffs. can spend hope to upgrade and get more buffs per visit. wind buff = +20% move speed. rain buff = +100% coin drop rate. stone buff = +20% defense. seeds buff = +20% ember drop rate. fire buff = +20% dmg.
  • treasure vault – has the treasure cat. gives gold, potions, random gear. can spend hope to upgrade and get other resources.
  • goddess’ dwelling – has crusader and fallen goddess. goddess will reduce up to 50 despair for free
  • baitshop – has baitmonger. can buy bait and fish here (random gear, random rarity).
  • marshwood – give bait to trees for varying rewards. there are trees for embers, potions, hope, coins, and blessings
  • prison – has the wretch. free resources. upgrade with hope to get more. gold, potion, chest, gear. once fully upgrade, go downstairs to access sewers
  • seraph cell – has the seraph. need to give rare items to increase friendship

resources and buffs

these rooms have various resources and buffs

  • embermine – has rocks you can break for a chance at embers
  • sorrowell – gain 10 despair to get 2 random embers. seems to be any random tier ember. you also get curse of sorrow (-20% atk spd, ember quality bonus +1, for 4 rounds)
  • sedgemeadow – follow the green light for resources. usually gold and potions
  • effigy – has crusader grave. pray to it for a buff that gives more hope at the end of a dungeon. however, the buff might not last till the end of the dungeon. has unlockable pots that give hope
  • reliquary – has demonic remains. pray to receive curse of sainthood (boost ember and potion drop rate in exchange for hp debuff). can spend hope to upgrade. has 2 rooms which you can spend health to open, 1 for embers, the other for hope
  • shinebog – trade potions for resources. can be hope, gear, or embers
  • coffers – gain 10 despair for coins, usually 90-100
  • bloodgate – spend health for coins, buff (health per kill), or a random ember
  • umbral gate – spend curses to get rewards. coins, gear
  • elixir basin – upgrade potions to elixirs of the same rarity. elixirs heal much more and reduce despair
  • wellspring – spend gold for healing
  • crimson hall – spend health for benefits. can be gold, gear, embers, or buff to increase ember drop rate
  • jack-pot – spend gold to spin the wheel. random results – can be gold, gear, embers, hope, or enemies to fight. if you get enemies, you can no longer spin
  • foundry – upgrade gear with embers. gives free random tier ember you’ve unlocked.
  • armory – pick random equip from choice of 3
  • cache – get random equip. can upgrade with hope to get gold, embers, and more chests
  • loculus – sacrifice random item in inventory for ember of random tier
  • scholarium – spend gold to get various buffs. animal buff = +35% dmg. vegetable buff = +35% health. minerals buff = +35% ember drop rate
  • three brothers – pick 1 among 3 temporary curses. damage, evasion, or ember drop rate increase in exchange for various debuffs.
  • gaol – get buffs from lich. can be upgraded with hope to give more buffs per visit. buffs are strong but also come with despair defense down. lich breath = +45% ice strike. lich claws = +45% poise dmg. lich sight = +5% visibility, + 30% range. lich hatred = +120% dmg. lich heart = +12% health per kill
  • fools fount – spend health for gear. each instance costs more health, but increases rarity. very good if you have gear that limits damage taken. max 4 uses per instance
  • wishing well – spend gold to get a random item. use barbed key here to go to goddess’ dwelling
  • trial of arrogance – get item with high refinement in exchange for fighting swarm of enemies. bring aoe for this
  • laboratory – 2 potion pots. break to get random potions
  • cemetery – gain despair to dig up graves and get random loot
  • fishing hole – use bait to fish up random items. no npc that sells bait here
  • sanguinary – trade curses for health
  • cellar – choose 1 of 3 potions. cursewash = removes one random curse. bile salts = reduces roll cooldown by 50%. sporecap =
  • respite – interact with campfire to refresh campfire buff. has gold pot and potion pot. also has storage. option to gain 50 despair to go to abyssal plane


choose a room from resources/buffs to go to

  • narthex – choose among sorrowell, three brothers, oubliette, or gaol
  • rotunda – choose among loculus, seraph cell, treasure vault, fools fount
  • courtyard – choose among prison, wishing well, armory, or fireshrine. also has witch shrine where you can gain 20 despair for a buff (more dmg but gain despair on kill)
  • plaza – choose among garden, scholarium, jack-pot, or embermine
  • sewers – has rats and slimes. can access any room in dungeon (effigy, fireshrine, cemetery, armory, coffers, trial of arrogance)
  • terrace – choose among baitshop, fishing hole, slophouse, marshwood. can also gaze into water in center to get buff to bait drops on kill

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