Magical Delicacy: A Checklist of All Collectibles

For those of y’all who need help comparing/contrasting and keeping track of everything for achievements!

Outfit palettes, keepsakes, trinkets, and kitchen modules… currently being edited to add in-game descriptions, will add icons later on.


Outfit Palettes

  • Flora
  • Gaball
  • Amber
  • Shena
  • Keskar
  • Ryverfarer
  • Kelp
  • Horizon
  • Pine
  • Grat
  • Tilin
  • Ander
  • Twilight
  • Sunlight
  • Astro
  • Berry
  • Fae
  • Royal
  • Jade

Keepsakes & Collectibles

  • Encyclopedia of Oltharia
    “Given to me by a traveler a long time ago. I have held it dearly ever since. It taught me all about the world that I know.”
    Provides a guide containing helpful information.
  • Store Keys
    A brass key with a pedant of the store’s flag. An ordinary key, a small tool that recognizes some ownership of a building but is ultimately a reminder of involuntary debt.
    Provides access to Flora’s store in the center of the town.
  • Store Deed
    “This document proves that I am the rightful owner of this store.”
  • Map of Grat
    An incomplete map of the town, drafted by Colo.
    Provides a method to navigate the town.
  • Compass
    A small tool for navigational purposes, commonly used by adventurers and seafarers to keep track of their whereabouts.
    Shows the wearer’s position on the map.
  • Marker Bundle
    A small satchel with map markers of different shapes and colors.
    These small tokens can be placed on the map to mark locations of interest.
  • Marker Bundle for Merchants
    A small satchel with intricate markers that mark the position of discovered merchants in the city.
    Placed automatically on the map to mark the locations of stationary merchants.
  • Marker Bundle for Catacombs
  • Collector Gate Markers
  • Bridge Pass
  • Elevator Pass
  • Certificate of Spatial Expansion B1
  • Certificate of Spatial Expansion B2
  • Certificate of Spatial Expansion F1
  • Store Platform (x3)
  • Storage (Ember)
  • Storage (Mist)
  • Storage (Umbra)
  • Extended Selling Display
  • Window Opening Times
  • Newspaper Promotion
  • Shena Pendent
  • Keskar Insignia
  • Broom
  • Featherweight Pendant
  • Hymn of Spurring
  • Chant of Alertness
  • Equipment Capacity
  • Light Stone Talisman
  • Bargaining Brooch
  • Thread of Spatiality
  • Inventory Tracker
  • Gardening Gloves
  • Swift Bracelet
  • Rapid Bracelet
  • Notes on Flavor
  • Notes on Quality

Kitchen Modules

  • Faucet
  • Oven
  • Stove Pot
  • Stove Pan
  • Cutting Board
  • Mortar & Pestle
  • Cauldron
  • Altar
  • Kettle
  • Juicer
  • Dehydrator
  • Compost

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