Magical Delicacy: Ingredients Map

A full map that shows where each findable ingredient is along with a list of ingredients that can be purchased in shops.



This map is provided to help with locating specific ingredients you may need to complete recipes, so that you don’t need to comb through the whole map trying to remember where you saw canyongrapes or garlic!

Some notes:

  • areas have been named according to either the in-game name, or if it didn’t have one, then a landmark on that area, or their directional relation to a named area (e.g., Harbor West)
  • if you go to a spot and the ingredient is not there, it may be because the ingredient was harvested too recently and needs time to respawn

The map is meant to work with a spreadsheet I made that lists ingredients and their properties. With this list, I could filter for, say, Savory ingredients that can also be Dried; or only Exotic ingredients, etc. Check it out here:

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