Sword of Convallaria: Short Reroll Guide + Basic Tips + Tier list

Rerolling process and some other stuff.



For best rerolling you want to ideally use phone version since you can use ‘guest account’ there.
You can use bluestacks or any other emulator too.

If you plan to link to steam account later – do NOT click ‘steam account’ login option on PC as this creates a fresh account you will need to delete and that takes 15 days!
Use your other method(likely google mail) to login and then in account settings link this account to steam one.. albeit it hardly makes a difference since you can always login via other option too just as well.

If you don’t want to bother with that and plan to use steam/PC – you will need to hope you get lucky via the amount of other login options you can do.

You can use however many facebook or google emails as alternative to the phone guest account method.

Reroll Process

1) Login via guest account(phone/phone emulator only) or whatever other method you prefer if you aren’t using phone(google mail likely easiest alternative if you plan to stick purely to PC, would need to create different emails for rerolling though).

2) Tutorial starts, there is no way to instantly skip it sadly.
Hold the screen to double speed the cutscenes/combat. Most cutscenes without choices are skippable in the bottom right corner.
You have 3 tutorial battles + first campaign battle you need to do before game allows you to act.
Each takes around a minute. Make sure you enable ‘fast’ setting in combat in top left screen.

3) After first 3 tutorial battles you get first gacha.
This one ALWAYS gives the same Legendary/Epic – Maitha + Falcon.
Maltha legendary is among the weaker in it’s role out of SSR BUT for f2p she will likely remain for a long while.
Falcon is pretty good epic, partly since you will get her dupes during story, meaning she will be one of your first max dupe epic characters as f2p.
You can NOT get anything else of good rarity here.

4) Do final battle and game will open up.
During this battle choose first dialogue option for slightly faster battle.

5) You should automatically go into your home after the battle.
Near account name – select the icon to the right of your name and select ‘mailbox’ there.
Claim all emails with reward.
At game launch this yields 21 rolls + 790 prem currency(enough for 5 more rolls)

6) Go to same menu where you found mailbox and this time choose ‘summon’
Time to choose for whom you reroll.

You have 3 main choices if you are reading the guide during release:
Beginner banner – this guarantees character in 30 pulls. This is your only way to get Inanna(a top tier support/healer) at game launch. But sadly 30 rolls is not possible to do really fast, so we skip this.

Gloria banner – Gloria is a 50/50 to get her if you roll SSR. She is a top tier support/assist damager that is still best unit in her class in asian versions of the game.

Beryl/Col – those have 37.5/37.5 chance to get them if you roll SSR.
Beryl is still best in Asian servers.Col is not best in her class in asian servers but she is still among best so as f2p you will have use for her 100% if you get her.
Beryl is mage, Col is assassin.

My recommendation for rerolling:
Roll for either Beryl or Gloria. Settle for any account that gets one. Reroll is too slow to bother with something more.

Arcana choice when you pull gacha doesn’t seem to affect anything.. well, it might, but it’s not something anyone aside of devs would know about anyway.
You have a total of 25 pulls(at launch) you can do – good luck!

Generally speaking you shouldn’t need too many attempts since chances.of getting unit you want is pretty huge as long as you roll SSR. And chances of SSR are decent across 25 pulls.

7.1) If you didn’t get the SSR you wanted – select menu you used for mailbox/summon.
There should be ‘cog’ icon top right. Click it. This is settings menu.
Click ‘log out’ and start the process again in new account.

7.2) If you meet your character goal – Stop Pulling that banner. Dupes are easily farmed even as f2p, you want different characters instead via prem currency.
You can optionally try to get 2 SSR start but that’s pretty crazy chances.

Finalize your account and convert it into an actual non guest account(if you used that option)

If you were doing reroll on phone – after converting account into whatever you prefer(google email i easiest

Pity explanation

Pity works the following way:

Across all banners aside of beginner one(30 pulls for legendary, does not participate in regular pity rule) the pity always works the same.

Your pulls from ANY banner count towards one of the pities and are shared across all of them. You can check your current pity state in the gacha menu – select any gacha banner and click top right ‘details’ button,

There are two pity types:
1) Random Pity – that’s the one which counts total usage from ANY banner.
On your 100th pull – you are guaranteed to get a legendary. It will follow the regular banner chances for whom you get.

If you are on 90 pulls without a legendary – you can start waiting until a banner you want appears to get a guarantee in next 10 pull.

2) ‘Guarantee banner character pity’ – this one is ONLY for the duration of the banner and only on the banner.
On 180th pull – you are guaranteed to get the banner character. This pity resets ONLY if you get banner character. You can get any other legendary and this one will keep going.

If it’s double character – you get one based on 2 factors:
1 – If you already got one of the two characters from THIS banner duration – you are guaranteed to get the 2nd one as pity.
2 – any other method of obtaining the character does NOT count towards this and you can get a dupe instead in that case.
Generally speaking – double banners are great idea if you want BOTH. As f2p I would probably stop once you get any of the 2 however.

Character Tier List

This is a list for a bit under a year in advance, I will mention the absolute best units in each class.

There are 3 of what I would call ‘main classes’

Defender > Seeker > Breaker > Defender(type advantage)

And there are 2 ‘extra’ classes:
Watcher > Destroyer
Yep, destroyer is not strong vs supporter, it’s one sided.
Destroyer class gets higher stats to compensate not having advantage.

If character is not on this list – it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it. In general most SSR end up better than most SR.
It’s more of a list of whom to ACTIVELY aim for. Anyone else is only neat if you get it by chance while going for below.

Tank Class.
The problem with most tanks is that if their only utility is tanking – that’s usually not good enough, you want them to also assist team in some support’ish way.

Cocoa(not available at release) is the main choice.
Cocoa is mainly support’ish tank.

Maitha – Your default tutorial SSR one will do just fine for most of the tasks so tank is not too huge of a priority. She is actually not the worst SSR tank but not a particularly good one either. Getting stars for free on SSR is neat too.

Magnus(available only in standard/beginner at release) is a decent’ish runner up if you get him. Has a bit support’ish utility.

Generally an assassin/ranger class. But some pure DPS warriors end up here too.

Col(available) is pretty neat, not as good as two below in most scenarios though.
She is an Assassin. Situationally very strong but a bit hard to use. Her main utility is that she can get extra turns if she kills from side or back and she grows stronger as she kills too.

Rawiyah early summer memories(not available) – pure damager. Both AoE/single target is great.

Saffiyah(not available) – an assassin style character with debuffs/support utility.

Generally a melee bruiser class.

None currently available are particularly great.

The only noteworthy is:
Rawiyah – freebie SSR you will get before long. She is not particularly good, but not the worst either.
Her main advantage on top of being freebie is her leader skill. Amazing for f2p.
Her leader skill is for ‘special’ faction/band.
Those include all 3 f2p SSR + out of good characters also Inanna and Beryl(both allies are ones you should aim for when you can as f2p – they stay top tier for at least a year) + stormbreaker(a good SR unit)
So assuming you get f2p SSR + Inanna + Beryl + some other SSR(gloria/dantallion are great candidates) or just use stormbreaker SR – you are gonna have a very solid team which can handle everything.

The good upcoming ones are:
Auguste – pure damager with AoE options and debuffs.

Homa – some support/debuff utility on top of being decent bruiser.

A class which has no disadvantage against anyone. Usually focuses on pure damage, but sometimes debuffing too.

Beryl(available) remains top tier mage in this class. Nothing remotely comes close to this mage overall.

She is mainly used as ranged single target damage but has some AoE potential too.

Dantallion(available) is neat if you get him, but only situationally.
His biggest attraction is his utility with a leader passive for Iria faction, nice for Iria teams(has loads of top tier units and all f2p SSR units are Iria)
Standalone – he is melee, his kit revolves around dealing final hit on enemies which heals him up quite well. Hence ideally you do NOT want to pair him with assassins who want to do the same.
Great synergy with Magnus(tank) + all the f2p SSRs.

Akambe(not available) – an example of destroyer class who has great debuff utility on top of being damager.

Most healers/buffers/debuffers are in this class. They deal more damage to destroyers but are rarely good damagers themselves with a few exclusions.

Gloria(available) – considered one of best supporters. She is a buffer/damager, great at killing destroyers and providing bonuses to team at start of battle.
Has leader skill for ‘union’ allies(not too many great units, but out of top tier – Inanna + upcoming Auguste are both amazing and must use if you are using Gloria)
She has pretty unique gameplay style.
By default when she is wielding flag- she is an amazing supporter who buffs all around her both passively and actively.

However she can give up on flag via massive AoE and get some massive self stat burst for 2 turns instead. Most of her skills change after that.
Her general gameplay loop is starting out by buffing everyone then using her amazing AoE which removes the flag and proceed as a damager while this buff is up.

Inanna(available only in beginner/standard banner at launch) – AoE healer + AoE buffer + Extra turn giver.
Extra turn alone is often turning a unit top tier in most tactic games. And in this one she also buffs the target while at it. Needless to say she will likely never become bad.
Starts each battle with a summoned unit. An extra body on the battlefield is always neat.
Great synergy with Gloria.

Faycal – a freebie SSR. You get him pretty late and he is probably worst in his role out of the 3 freebie SSRs. Doesn’t provide anything to the team aside of damage, just a regular ranged damager with bow.
But free SSR and being part of the characters who get boosted by SSR freebie leader makes it a decent f2p option.

Lilywill(available) is worth a mention since she is the faction ‘leader’ buff provider. She herself is purely seeker style ranger. But she herself is not that great and her faction Vlder hardly has anyone worth mentioning(eventually cocoa tank), so making a full Vlder party even a year into the game won’t be worth it. So only worth it if you got lucky with SSR from Vlder and didn’t get lucky with SSRs from Iria/Union, the superior factions.

Taair(not available) – a great support/debuffer. Not as good as 2 above IMO, especially considering that he releases later… but he is good.

Noteworhy SR units

Crimson Falcon – assassin. You get her by default and shards for her early on in the story. Individually only ‘good’ but due to being max star for free she simply outstats/values all other SR characters for f2p.

Angel – a healer. If you don’t have SSR healer then she is your go to replacement. Has a very good skill kit for an SR unit.
She also is guarantee quite early on into voyage memento.

Stormbreaker – best melee AoE damager. Has synergy with freebie SSRs, being part of same squad/taking faction leader buff from f2p SSR.

Nobody else is worth it long term IMO, so just use someone who got most star ups or has role you need.
You get too many free SSRs(1 default +2 via the progression thingy + 1 guaranteed from beginner banner = 4 out of 6 party members you need… and realistically you will likely get some from RNG of pulls too), so eventually you outlive most SRs.

There are technically places where you need 2 teams in end game of asian servers, so there is that, but by then you kinda have enough currency and game knowledge to decide what you lack/need.

Random Tips

1) After doing the reroll process – make sure your next goal is beginner banner.
This one disappears after 1 month from day you started the game, so you need to finish the 30 rolls in it as high priority to get an extra SSR. Having one more SSR is huge deal, even if it’s not top tier one.

The dream if you are playing at launch is to get Inanna/Beryl/Gloria/Col in approx this priority.

2) Account level is everything in this game. At least early on. Almost all mechanics are capped based on account level.
You get account exp by doing dailies and spending energy. Every energy point spent is 1 exp.

3) Redeem codes in settings > account tab. Those will likely be posted on steam boards by someone but you can also google them if you care.
All gacha games always give part of rewards this way.

4) Early game priority:
Push fools journey(gacha story mode) as far as you can – this unlocks new mechanics/dailies. Ignore the side paths early on, they are not worth it. > Do ‘extra rewards’ of dailies(left tab – crossing worlds) on hardest stage you have unlocked.

Don’t worry about stars – you can always come back to stages and replaying stages is FREE, no stamina cost.

5) Daily quests(crossing world) priority:
First 2 tabs(tarot cards + weapons) – do NOT touch those until you unlock the final ones. Any suboptimal stuff you farm here is ultimately useless.
You should do first rewards ASAP of course. But don’t touch them aside of that.

Character Shard/3rd tab – do this daily, this is how f2p get the star ups for SSR units.

Next 3 tabs(char exp, rank up stones, talent stones) – do extra rewards from those.only.

Final tab – gear upgrade currency, highest priority. Gear is where huge part of stats come from.
Gear upgrading is expensive in terms of materials and you have a lot of slots to fill.
Those are stats which you would otherwise be missing. Most other stats are hard to miss or hard to gain(character dupe system)
All your stamina not spent on worthy extra rewards will be spent here.

6) Use potions you get for free ASAP(if you got time to play and run out of energy of course) from the inventory. At least within first week of the game.
Early on it’s important to get more account levels/fool journey progression earlier to unlock more dailies earlier. This means biggest value of potions is in the early game.
There are events later where those also kinda help, so don’t worry if you didn’t manage to spend those early in the game. Those don’t help as much in events as in most other gachas though.

Generally focus on fool’s journey and first time of dailies to get account levels for pushing the journey further. First time of dailies do NOT need to be done on ‘extra’ day.

By using your potions and doing stuff that gives them you can reach lvl ~20-25 day 1 if you got time to play.

7) Rank up skills are PERMANENT decisions. Think carefully before unlocking one. You can unlock the 2nd one via special currency, but it’s far from common.
Each character can equip: 1 basic attack(usually there are 2 upgraded one choices per character), 1 reaction skill(usually out of 2) and 3 any other skills – passive/active doesn’t matter – it only works if it’s equipped.
First of all this means some skills can be entirely useless.
Generally avoid spending currency on unlocking another choice.
The reason is that some characters has both choices as good skills and rest of the skills being terrible. Another reason is that some characters can play two different builds efficiently, so unlocking boths to be able to change them at will is important.

Basically the most important decision is generally what to insert into the 3 main skill slots.
Generally speaking you always want at least 1 active ability which spends energy – those are always designed to be ‘stronger’ than basic attack, so first take a look at those and see what is likely the ‘winner’ candidate. Most of the time you want 2 active skills since those usually have long cooldowns. 2nd skill can sometimes be passive too, but in rare cases. Generally you want to be using active
3rd is almost always some passive, so check to see if any overshadows the other ones. Generally faction leader one is top tier if you use at least 1 other character of same faction.skills and if you need energy – try to fit someone into team who helps with refilling it.

The rank up skill unlocking also provides a tiny stat increase to certain stat. This works even if it’s not equipped. So there is meaning in unlocking everything for top tier characters, making the currency even more important not to waste.

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