Arma 3: All Debug Commands of 2024

Unlock the full potential of Arma 3 with our detailed guide on debug commands. Whether you’re a mission creator, server admin, or an avid player, understanding debug commands is essential for troubleshooting, testing, and optimizing gameplay.


Welcome to the Arma 3 Debug Commands Guide! This comprehensive resource is designed to help you unlock the full potential of Arma 3 by mastering the use of debug commands. Whether you’re a mission creator, server admin, or an avid player, understanding these commands can significantly enhance your gameplay and server management experience.

Overview of Arma 3 Debug Commands

Arma 3 is a complex and immersive military simulation game that offers a vast range of features and customization options. One of the key tools for maximizing the game’s capabilities is the use of debug commands. These commands provide powerful functionalities for testing, troubleshooting, and optimizing various aspects of the game, from mission development to server performance.

Importance and Benefits of Using Debug Commands

Debug commands are essential for several reasons:

  • Troubleshooting: Quickly identify and resolve issues affecting gameplay or server performance.
  • Testing: Experiment with different scenarios, missions, and scripts to ensure everything functions as intended.
  • Optimization: Fine-tune your game settings and server configurations for the best possible experience.
  • Customization: Unlock advanced features for creating and managing custom content.

Whether you’re looking to improve your own experience or contribute to the Arma 3 community by developing mods and missions, mastering debug commands is a crucial skill.

This guide will take you through everything you need to know, from basic command usage to advanced techniques, so you can make the most of your Arma 3 experience. Let’s get started!

Getting Started

In order to utilize debug commands in Arma 3, you need to have admin privileges on the server. Here’s how to get started:

How to Enable Debug Mode

To use debug commands, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure Admin Access: You must be an admin on the server where you wish to use debug commands. Without admin privileges, you won’t be able to execute these commands.
  2. Access the Debug Console: Once in the game, press ESC to pause the game. If you have the necessary permissions, the debug console will be accessible.
  3. Execute Commands: With the console open, you can directly input and execute debug commands. This allows for real-time testing and adjustments during gameplay.


Once you have verified that you can access the debug console, you are ready to start using various commands to enhance your gameplay experience. Proceed to the next section for a list of useful commands and how to implement them effectively.

Basic Commands

These commands are commonly used for routine gameplay management and adjustments.

Kill Player

player setdamage 1;

Kills the player character instantly.

Open Arsenal

["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

Opens the Virtual Arsenal for the player.

Turn Off Sway

player setCustomAimCoef 0;

Eliminates weapon sway for the player.

Disable Fatigue

player enableFatigue false;

Disables fatigue, allowing the player to sprint indefinitely.

Skip Time by 5 Hours

skipTime 5;

Advances the in-game time by 5 hours.

Remove All Weapons

removeAllWeapons player;

Removes all weapons from the player.

Destroy Target

cursortarget setdamage 1;

Destroys whatever object or unit you are currently looking at.

Heal Player

player setDamage 0;

Fully heals the player character.

Show Text on Screen

titleText ["Show this text", "PLAIN"];

Displays text in the middle of the screen for the entire server.

Delete Vehicle

deleteVehicle cursorTarget;

Deletes any vehicle the player is looking at.

Repair Vehicle

_timeForRepair = 0;
_vehicle = vehicle player;
hint format ["Please wait %1 seconds for repair/flip",_timeForRepair];
sleep _timeForRepair;
if (_vehicle == player) then {_vehicle = cursorTarget;};
_vehicle setfuel 1;
_vehicle setdamage 0;
_vehicle = nil;
vehicle = this select 0;
_vehicle setvectorup [0,0,1];

Repairs the player’s vehicle fully.

Set Ammo to 1

player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 1];

Sets the player’s current weapon ammo to 1 round (change value as needed).

Advanced Commands

These commands are used for more complex actions and server management tasks.

Replace Server Text

hint "N. F. Mendana is boss";

Displays a hint message on the screen, which can be used for server notifications.

Set Player Ammo

player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 1];

Sets the player’s ammo for the current weapon to a specific amount.

Remove Fog

0 setFog 0;
999999 setFog 0;

Removes fog from the game environment.

Remove Fuel from Vehicle

vehicle player setfuel 0;

Drains all fuel from the player’s vehicle.

Add Weapon to Player

player addweaponglobal "arifle_MX_GL_F";

Gives the player a specific weapon (can be modified for different weapons).

God Mode

player allowdamage false;

Makes the player invulnerable to damage.

Blame Player Script

if (name player == "Astral") then {} else {
[] spawn {
sleep 5;
_BRG_popuptext = "<t size='1' color='#ff1111'>WARNING Astral using SSPCM to cheat</t>";
_BRG_popuptext2 = "<t size='1' color='#ff1111'>Type in chat '#kick Astral' if want remove him in the game</t>";
_BRG_value1 = [_BRG_popuptext, 0.01, (safeZoneY + 0.05), 0.5, 0, 0, 90] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
playsound "Hint";
sleep 2;
_BRG_value1 = [_BRG_popuptext, 0.01, (safeZoneY + 0.05), 0.5, 0, 0, 90] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
sleep 2;
_BRG_value1 = [_BRG_popuptext, 0.01, (safeZoneY + 0.05), 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
sleep 5;
_BRG_value1 = [_BRG_popuptext2, 0.01, (safeZoneY + 0.05), 15, 0, 0, 90] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
playsound "Hint";

Custom script for displaying messages regarding player actions.

Teleport Player

_pos = getPosATL player;
_pos set [2, 700];
player setPosATL _pos;
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;

Teleports the player 700 meters into the air.

Select Teleport Location

openMap true;
onMapSingleClick {
onMapSingleClick {};
{_x setPos _pos;} forEach units group player;
hint '';
openMap false;

Allows the player to select a teleport location on the map.

ESP Wallhacks

if (isnil ("WookieESP")) then {WookieESP = 0;};
if (WookieESP==0) then {
cutText [format["Esp On"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
hint "Esp On";
} else {
cutText [format["Esp Off"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
hint "Esp Off";
if (WookieESP==1) then {
oneachframe {
_nigs = nearestobjects [player,["CAManBase"],1400];
if ((side _x != side player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 1400)) then {
drawIcon3D ["", [1,0,0,0.7], GetPosATL _x, 0.1, 0.1, 45, (format ["%2 : %1m",round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"];
} else {
if ((getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 1000)) then {
drawIcon3D ["", [0,1,0.5,0.4], GetPosATL _x, 0.1, 0.1, 45, (format ["%2 : %1m",round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"];
} foreach playableUnits;
_noobs = nearestobjects [player,["CAManBase"],100];
if (((alive _x)) && ((player distance _x) < 100)) then {
if ((side _x != side player) && ((player distance _x) < 100)) then {
if (player distance _x < 10 && _x iskindof "CAManBase" && side _x != civilian) then {
drawLine3D [[getposatl player select 0, getposatl player select 1, getposatl player select 2], _x, [1,0,0,(abs((((player distance _x)) - 100)/100))]];
} else {
drawLine3D [[getposatl player select 0, getposatl player select 1, getposatl player select 2], _x, [0,1,0,(abs((((player distance _x)) - 100)/100))]];
} foreach playableUnits;
} else {
oneachframe {nil};

Provides a visual indication of other players’ positions through walls.

Fun commands

These commands add entertainment and non-standard gameplay elements.

Attach GBU to Player

_expl1 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle position player;
_expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [], [-0.5, 0.5, 0];
_expl2 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle position player;
_expl2 attachTo [player, [0, 0.15, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl2 setVectorDirAndUp [], [0, 1, 0];
_expl3 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle position player;
_expl3 attachTo [player, [0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl3 setVectorDirAndUp [], [0.5, 0.5, 0];

Attaches explosive GBU units to the player.

Give Money

life_atmcash = life_atmcash + 999999;

Increases the player’s in-game money by a large amount.

Attach Smoke to Player

_expl1 = "G_40mm_SmokeBlue" createVehicle position player;
_expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [], [-0.5, 0.5, 0];
_expl2 = "G_40mm_SmokeOrange" createVehicle position player;
_expl2 attachTo [player, [0, 0.15, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl2 setVectorDirAndUp [], [0, 1, 0];
_expl3 = "G_40mm_SmokePurple" createVehicle position player;
_expl3 attachTo [player, [0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
_expl3 setVectorDirAndUp [], [0.5, 0.5, 0];

Attaches colorful smoke grenades to the player.

Create Sandstorm

[player, -1, 0.8, true] call BIS_fnc_sandstorm;

Creates a small sandstorm effect near the player.

Attach Chicken to Player’s Head

_expl1 = "Cock_random_F" createVehicle position player;
_expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Head"];
_expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [], [-0.5, 0.5, 0];

Attaches a chicken to the player’s head for comedic effect.

Speed Upgrade for Vehicles

hint "Speed upgrade loaded!";
waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this select 1 call MY_KEYDOWN_FNC;false;"];
_vcl = vehicle player;
if (_vcl == player) exitwith {};
_nos = _vcl getvariable "nitro";
_supgrade = _vcl getvariable "supgrade";
if (isEngineOn _vcl) then {
switch (_this) do {
case 17: {
if (isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_supgrade") then {
_vcl SetVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.011, (velocity _vcl select 1) * 1.011, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
} else {
_vcl setvariable ["supgrade", 1, true];
case 42: {
if (isEngineOn _vcl and !isnil "_nos") then {
_vcl setVelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 1) * 1.01, (velocity _vcl select 2) * 0.99];
} else {
_vcl setvariable ["nitro", 1, true];

Enhances vehicle speed, providing a boost when keys are pressed.

Destroy Player Vehicle

vehicle player setdamage 1;

Destroys the player’s current vehicle.

Shoot Cars

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
_bullet = _this select 6;
_unit = _this select 0;
_newPos = _unit modelToWorld [0,8,1];
_veh = createVehicle ["I_MRAP_03_F",_newPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_veh setDir getDir _unit;
_veh setVelocity velocity _bullet;
deleteVehicle _bullet;

Transforms bullets fired by the player into vehicles, creating a trail of cars.

Get Speedy

player setAnimSpeedCoef 100;

Increases player movement speed significantly.

Creating commands

These commands add unique and entertaining elements to the game, providing new ways to interact with the Arma 3 environment.

Create a Fireworks Show

for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
_firework = "F_20mm_Tracer_Red" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [random 20, random 20, 50]);
_firework setVelocity [random 20 - 10, random 20 - 10, -10];
sleep 0.5;

Creates a series of red tracer rounds that simulate fireworks above the player.

Summon a Helicopter Army

for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {
_heli = "B_Heli_Attack_01_F" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0, _i * 15, 100]);
_heli flyInHeight 100;
_heli setDir random 360;

Summons five attack helicopters flying above the player in a formation.

Create a Protective Force Field

for "_i" from 0 to 360 step 36 do {
_pos = [player, 10, _i] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_field = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _pos;
_field setPosATL [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];

Creates a circle of helipads around the player to simulate a protective force field.

Launch a Supply Drop

_supplyBox = "Box_IND_Ammo_F" createVehicle [getPos player select 0, getPos player select 1, 100];
_supplyBox setVelocity [0, 0, -10];

Drops an ammo supply box from the sky to the player’s current location.

Call in Airstrike at Cursor

_airstrike = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getPos cursorTarget);
_airstrike setPosATL [(getPos cursorTarget select 0), (getPos cursorTarget select 1), 500];
_airstrike setVelocity [0, 0, -50];

Calls in an airstrike on the location where the player is aiming.

Spawn a Friendly Infantry Squad

for "_i" from 0 to 4 do {
_soldier = "B_Soldier_F" createUnit [getPos player, group player, format ["Soldier%1", _i], 0.5, "PRIVATE"];
_soldier moveTo (player modelToWorld [5, _i * 2, 0]);

Spawns a squad of friendly infantry soldiers that follow the player.

Instant Night to Day Transition

setTimeMultiplier 0;
skipTime (24 - daytime);
setTimeMultiplier 1;

Instantly transitions the game world from night to day.

Spawn a Guard Dog

_dog = "Dog_F" createVehicle position player;
_dog attachTo [player, [1, 1, 0]];

Spawns a dog that follows the player closely, simulating a guard dog effect.

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Thank you for exploring our Arma 3 Debug Commands Guide! We hope these commands have inspired you to enhance your Arma 3 experience with creative and powerful scripts.

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A big shoutout to pleas hjelp ne for contributing some of the awesome commands featured in this guide. Their creativity and expertise are greatly appreciated.

Feedback and Suggestions

If you think we’ve missed any cool commands or if you need help with any scripts, please use the comment section below. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in helping us improve and expand this guide.

Thank you for your support, and happy scripting in Arma 3!

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