Level Zero: Extraction – How to Unlock FPS for Old Graphics Cards

This will guide you to tweak a few settings to unlock some FPS for old graphics cards.

Image credits: XdotingsugarX


How to Unlock FPS for Old Graphics Cards

Game require good graphics cards that can manage Lumens and other stuff. Issue is old graphics cards will struggle.

IF setting everything to LOW isn’t enough, here’s a step-by-step guide to gain FPS:

  • First, set your settings to LOW. Everything.
  • Then, close the game and go to \AppData\Local\LevelZero\Saved\Config\WindowsClient
  • Then, edit the GameUserSettings.ini file (you can make a copy beforehand)

Then, edit the following values:

  • AOLevel=0
  • sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality=0
  • sg.ReflectionQuality=0
  • sg.PostProcessQuality=0
  • sg.LandscapeQuality=0

Save, (eventually set the config file as read only), relaunch the game and see for yourself if it helps.

You will lose some details, such as light reflexions.

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