One-armed cook: How to Get out of Bounds in Pizzeria

This guide will tell you how to leap out of bounds in the pizzeria.


Step 1

Go to Peter’s Pizzeria and look to your left and head outside. 

Step 2

Go into the secret door. 

Step 3

Once inside the secret door, walk inside and go to the soccer ball. 

Step 4

The goal here is to try to jump directly on top of the soccer ball and jump again to make the ball fling up and take us with it so you need to jump directly on top of the ball. This may be hard so you can try practicing in the corner but be warned that doing this in the corner successfully will have you fling up and hit the top of a house and you will just simply fall back down to the ground.  Once you successfully fling up, head to the edge of a roof before you fall back down and you should be standing on the side of it. Congratulations! You made it (if you did it correctly)!  Be careful because there are random barriers and there is a gap where you can fall off of the world but other than that feel free to enjoy!  You can see the interior of some houses! 

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