Songs Of Silence: How to Unlock All Races Quickly

Are you eager to access all the races in Songs of Silence but frustrated by the locked content? Look no further! This concise guide will have you unlocking all the races in just 20 to 30 minutes.


How to Unlock the Other Races Fast

As a passionate gamer who values efficiency, I’ve crafted this guide to help you unlock the other races swiftly, allowing you to dive into the full experience of Songs of Silence without delay.

the first match to unlock the old race

1. Skirmish Settings:
a) go to Singleplayer -> Skirmish
b) select Small Map on Light Side
c) Starting faction -> thousand kingdoms
d) starting class -> High Lord
e) disable one AI player
f) set the remaining AI player to “thousand kingdoms” and starting class “Hierophant”

2. When the Match begins:
a) recruit a “Heartguard” unit
b) promote the Heartguard unit to a Honor Guard with the “Bestow Knighthood” card

3. wander the map and look out for the enemy capital. Only take neutral fights when absolutely necessary. Besiege the enemy capital (takes 4 turns)
When you are worried about getting ambushed while out in the open, play “encamp army” on your hero at the end of the turn since it prevents ambushes.

The starting army is very strong and should be more than enough to win without needing to recruit another time.
Since the map is small, it should only take 6-8 turn to win the match

After the match dont forget to go to the encyclopedia and unlock the Quest

the second match to unlock the crusade

1. Skirmish Settings:
a) go to Singleplayer -> Skirmish
b) select Small Map on Light Side
c) THIS TIME ADD THE FATE “CLEARSIGHT” (this removes fog of war)
d) Starting faction -> the old race
e) starting class -> Konstruktor
f) disable one AI player
g) set the remaining AI player to “thousand kingdoms” and starting class to “Hierophant”

2. When the Match begins:
a) promote your Civilian unit to a “Warrior” unit
b) recruit another Civilian unit and put it in your reserves. Put it into the army when levelling up

3. go straight for the enemy capital.

Method credit to sadglitterbunny
With these simple steps, you’ll be able to unlock all the races in Songs of Silence in no time. Enjoy the game’s rich content and diverse gameplay options, and may your battles be victorious!

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