Once Human: Deviation Charactorizations Traits

Human deviation traits are variations from typical characteristics. These include:
Physical Deviations: Unique physical features or genetic conditions.
Psychological Deviations: Differences in mental health, cognition, or personality.
Behavioral Deviations: Unusual behaviors or lifestyle choices.
These traits reflect the diverse range of human experiences and individuality.


(Part 1 of 2) Traits list (Use CTRL+F to search yours)

Growing Pains

Growing Pains 1
Max Deviant Power: +30%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Flame Essence, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Paper Doll, Lethal Rabbit, Enchanting Void, Mini Feaster, Electric Eel

Growing Pains 2
Max Deviant Power: +40%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Mr. Wish, Polar Jelly, Lonewolf’s Whisper, Voodoo Doll, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Feastering Gel, Buzzy Bee, Chefosaurus, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier, Electric Eel

Growing Pains 3
Max Deviant Power: +50%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Dreamcatcher, Zeno-Purifier, Rain Man, Upper World Spawn, Extradimensional Cat, Disco Ball, Lonewolf Whisper, Dr. Teddy, H37, Enchanting Void

Feeling Blue

Feeling Blue 1
Max Activity Score: -5%
Items: H37, Atomic Lighter, The Digby Boy, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Zeno-Purifier

Feeling Blue 2
Max Activity Score: -10%
Items: Extradimensional Cat, Orb Lightning, Frog the Leaper, Atomic Lighter, Lonewolf Whisper, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier

Cheer Up

Cheer Up 1
Max Mood: +30%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Rain Man, Frog the Leaper, Upper World Spawn, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Logging Beaver, Disco Ball, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Flame Essence, Electric Eel

Cheer Up 2
Max Mood: +40%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Voodoo Doll, Mini Feaster, Frog the Leaper, Buzzy Bee, Atomic Lighter, Gingerbread House, Flame Essence, Growshroom

Cheer Up 3
Max Mood: +50%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Lonewolf’s Whisper, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Festering Gel, Party Monkey, Snow Globe


Max Deviant Power: -5%
Items: Artisan’s Touch, Pup Buddy, Extradimensional Cat

Worn-Out 2
Max Deviant Power: -10%
Items: Polar Jelly, Growshroom, By-The-Wind, Buzzy Bee, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Paper Doll, Rain Man

Stay Indoors
Stamina Consumption in Settlements: -8%
Items: Lonewolf’s Whisper, Festering Gel, Zeno-Purifier, Mini Feaster

Lazy Bones
Working Speed for Territorial Deviants: -5%
Items: Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Flame Essence, Paper Doll

Rise and Shine 5
Mood Recovery Speed: +25%
Items: Atomic Lighter

Chance of Crafting Output -1:
Items: Atomic Lighter, Frog the Leaper

Efficiency Above All
Crafting Speed: +20%
Max Storage Capacity: -30%
Items: Atomic Lighter

Brute Force
Max Load: +15
Movement Speed: -5%
Items: Mini Feaster

Eureka Moment
Chance to Produce 10 Extra Units: 1%
Resource Production Interval: +50%
Items: Orb Lightning, Gingerbread House

Holding the Team Back
Chance Other Territorial Deviants Lose Mood: 10%
Items: Extradimensional Cat

Stable Vitality
Activity Score Max Limit: +30
Items: Electric Eel

Stamina Consumption: -5%
Items: Butterfly

Max Load When Exploring Settlements: -8
Items: Pyro, Zeno-Purifier

Covert Energy

Covert Energy 2
Max Deviant Power: +20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Covert Energy 3
Max Deviant Power: +25%
Items: Pup Buddy

No Such Thing As a Small Cup
Max Storage Capacity: -10%
Items: Pup Buddy

An Old Hand Knows the Ropes
Faster Mood and Deviant Power Consumption: +10%
Working Speed for Territorial Deviants: +10%
Items: Chefosaurus, Rain Man, Growshroom

Unplanned Production
Chance Crafting Consumes 0 Deviant Power: 10%
Crafting Speed: -20%
Items: Pup Buddy

The Joy of Slacking Off
Chance Crafting Consumes 0 Mood: 10%
Crafting Speed: -20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Mineral Talent
Chance to Increase Output by 1 in Oil Field Radius: 20%
Items: Disco Ball

Stardust Empowerment
Chance to Increase Output by 1 in Pollution Zone Radius: 20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Stardust Affinity
Chance to Not Consume Vitality in Pollution Zone: 20%
Items: Electric Eel

Street Rascal
Movement Speed in Settlements: +10%
Items: Shattered Maiden

Chance to Bring Back Rare Crystals: 10%
Increased Return Time Required

Heavy and Solid
Higher Load Grants DMG Reduction for Torso: Up to +15%

Smooth Sheep Rustler
Consume Other Deviations’ Deviant Power by 5 Points When Activity Score is <20%
Items: Pup Buddy

Slacking Off
Mood and Deviant Power Consumption Speed: +5% for Working Territorial Deviants
Items: Flame Essence

Max Stamina: +10
Items: Mini Feaster

Run Fast
Movement Speed: +5%
Items: (Not Specified)

Deviant Power Recovery Speed: +10%
Items: (Not Specified)
Here’s a more readable breakdown of the traits:

Growing Pains

Growing Pains 1
Max Deviant Power: +30%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Flame Essence, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Paper Doll, Lethal Rabbit, Enchanting Void, Mini Feaster, Electric Eel

Growing Pains 2
Max Deviant Power: +40%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Mr. Wish, Polar Jelly, Lonewolf’s Whisper, Voodoo Doll, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Feastering Gel, Buzzy Bee, Chefosaurus, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier, Electric Eel

Growing Pains 3
Max Deviant Power: +50%
Mood Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Dreamcatcher, Zeno-Purifier, Rain Man, Upper World Spawn, Extradimensional Cat, Disco Ball, Lonewolf Whisper, Dr. Teddy, H37, Enchanting Void

Feeling Blue

Feeling Blue 1
Max Activity Score: -5%
Items: H37, Atomic Lighter, The Digby Boy, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Zeno-Purifier

Feeling Blue 2
Max Activity Score: -10%
Items: Extradimensional Cat, Orb Lightning, Frog the Leaper, Atomic Lighter, Lonewolf Whisper, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier

Cheer Up

Cheer Up 1
Max Mood: +30%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Rain Man, Frog the Leaper, Upper World Spawn, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Logging Beaver, Disco Ball, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Flame Essence, Electric Eel

Cheer Up 2
Max Mood: +40%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Voodoo Doll, Mini Feaster, Frog the Leaper, Buzzy Bee, Atomic Lighter, Gingerbread House, Flame Essence, Growshroom

Cheer Up 3
Max Mood: +50%
Deviant Power Recovery Speed: -5%
Items: Lonewolf’s Whisper, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Festering Gel, Party Monkey, Snow Globe

(Part 2 of 2) Traits list (Use CTRL+F to search yours)


Max Deviant Power: -5%
Items: Artisan’s Touch, Pup Buddy, Extradimensional Cat

Worn-Out 2
Max Deviant Power: -10%
Items: Polar Jelly, Growshroom, By-The-Wind, Buzzy Bee, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Paper Doll, Rain Man

Stay Indoors
Stamina Consumption in Settlements: -8%
Items: Lonewolf’s Whisper, Festering Gel, Zeno-Purifier, Mini Feaster

Lazy Bones
Working Speed for Territorial Deviants: -5%
Items: Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Flame Essence, Paper Doll

Rise and Shine 5
Mood Recovery Speed: +25%
Items: Atomic Lighter

Chance of Crafting Output -1:
Items: Atomic Lighter, Frog the Leaper

Efficiency Above All
Crafting Speed: +20%
Max Storage Capacity: -30%
Items: Atomic Lighter

Brute Force
Max Load: +15
Movement Speed: -5%
Items: Mini Feaster

Eureka Moment
Chance to Produce 10 Extra Units: 1%
Resource Production Interval: +50%
Items: Orb Lightning, Gingerbread House

Holding the Team Back
Chance Other Territorial Deviants Lose Mood: 10%
Items: Extradimensional Cat

Stable Vitality
Activity Score Max Limit: +30
Items: Electric Eel

Stamina Consumption: -5%
Items: Butterfly

Max Load When Exploring Settlements: -8
Items: Pyro, Zeno-Purifier

Covert Energy

Covert Energy 2
Max Deviant Power: +20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Covert Energy 3
Max Deviant Power: +25%
Items: Pup Buddy

No Such Thing As a Small Cup
Max Storage Capacity: -10%
Items: Pup Buddy

An Old Hand Knows the Ropes
Faster Mood and Deviant Power Consumption: +10%
Working Speed for Territorial Deviants: +10%
Items: Chefosaurus, Rain Man, Growshroom

Unplanned Production
Chance Crafting Consumes 0 Deviant Power: 10%
Crafting Speed: -20%
Items: Pup Buddy

The Joy of Slacking Off
Chance Crafting Consumes 0 Mood: 10%
Crafting Speed: -20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Mineral Talent
Chance to Increase Output by 1 in Oil Field Radius: 20%
Items: Disco Ball

Stardust Empowerment
Chance to Increase Output by 1 in Pollution Zone Radius: 20%
Items: Gingerbread House

Stardust Affinity
Chance to Not Consume Vitality in Pollution Zone: 20%
Items: Electric Eel

Street Rascal
Movement Speed in Settlements: +10%
Items: Shattered Maiden

Chance to Bring Back Rare Crystals: 10%
Increased Return Time Required

Heavy and Solid
Higher Load Grants DMG Reduction for Torso: Up to +15%

Smooth Sheep Rustler
Consume Other Deviations’ Deviant Power by 5 Points When Activity Score is <20%
Items: Pup Buddy

Slacking Off
Mood and Deviant Power Consumption Speed: +5% for Working Territorial Deviants
Items: Flame Essence

Max Stamina: +10
Items: Mini Feaster

Run Fast
Movement Speed: +5%
Items: (Not Specified)

Deviant Power Recovery Speed: +10%
Items: (Not Specified)

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