Tactical Breach Wizards: “The Needlessly Hard Way” Achievement Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps to unlock the elusive ‘The Needlessly Hard Way’ achievement, a testament to your strategic prowess.


Steps to Obtain “The Needlessly Hard Way” Achievement

Step One: Initiate the Mission

Begin by entering the mission titled ‘The Siege Cleric.’ This is where your journey to unlock the achievement starts.

Step Two: Position Your Wizards

Image: DanJonJr

Strategically place Dall and another wizard of your choice in key positions. The right positioning will be crucial for the next steps.

Step Three: Execute the Spell

Utilize the Transference spell, selecting your chosen wizard as the victim and the siege cleric as the protector. This step is pivotal for the success of your mission.

Step Four: Charge and Conquer

With the spell in place, charge Dall into the wizard you’ve chosen. Timing and precision are key here.

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Congratulations! If you’ve followed these steps correctly, you should now have unlocked the ‘The Needlessly Hard Way’ achievement. Best of luck with the rest of your achievements in ‘Tactical Breach Wizards.’

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