Mad Island: Full Map + All Bosses

Check out this guide to get the full map and an overview of each boss in Mad Island.


Full Map

The map in this game is really big. If you observe carefully You will see green, blue, red, and white crystals. These crystals will be Events. Mostly green will be Bosses and other colors will be specific NPCs that each person will meet. Sometimes it will appear at different times as well. Each one has the following meaning:

  • Green – both men and women can enter.
  • Blue – Only men can enter.
  • Red – Only women can enter.
  • White – It’s in the cave.

Image: renge


All Bosses

In this section, we will tell you the boss pattern. To give you a rough idea,
most of the NPCs in this game like to walk back after attacking.Boss Native – The first boss you’re likely to encounter. Kill it and you’ll get a human flesh crafting table. Crafting a red sword that can be used until the end of the game is easy to find.

  • forward kick
  • jump slam
  • Kick
    when the blood drops to a certain point. It will hug itself by… well, you go see for yourself. Here you can hit for free, no need to dodge at all.

Spike – cave spider

  • bite forward
  • Bit forward but harder.
  • Let your child help you hit.
  • Go up to the ceiling and spray webs onto the floor. If we step on it we will be slow.

Old guy – A fat uncle who is often seen in NTR’s shows. He’s rather shy about calling him Boss (must bring a woman in the afternoon). Then touch the red mist and it will spawn.) Killing it will give you a crafting table that isn’t as useful.

  • punch
  • jump punch
  • Run the buffalo (be careful, it’s a stupid move with many hits). When finished, it will fall down and hit you.

Gun & Bandana – Two baht treasure hunting duo. (You have to bring the woman to be able to attack it.) Once you kill it, you can go down into the dungeon on the left.

  • Shoots bullets everywhere (damn Projectile in this game is broken) but can dodge well.
  • Pamolotok, not strong but good zone, annoying.


  • Stupid punch
  • He’s not good at floating (like the old guy’s buffalo running)
    . But he’s good at swarming.

Planton – Man-eating tree. This one has 3 parts. Kill it and you’ll get the Tanos gem. Hit them in the order below. Just by the pile of vines in the middle it died. It will die.

  • 4-sided stump – can’t do anything and explodes after hitting
  • Pile of vines in the middle – shoots roots from underground and hits the ground (main damage)
  • Boss – Shoots very strong lemon juice.

Scythe – desert centipede Kill it and you’ll get the Tanos gem.

  • bite forward
  • Cuts out waves (very strong)
  • Dive down and quickly shuffle your legs to the left. (Walk to the bottom edge of the map and it won’t hit at all.)
  • Dive down and suck around. (It doesn’t have much effect on us)
    After it finishes diving, count the time and then continue running.

Two-headed vulture. Kill it and you’ll get the Tanos gem.

  • jump on
  • Lays eggs (I don’t know what will happen if they hatch)
  • Peck 2 heads (don’t walk left or right) Walk up or go down.)
  • Release the storm by going to the left or right edge of the map (go possess it and hit it for free). The wind didn’t hit us.)

Cassie T200, the Doctor’s Terminator robot that was created because it would seg itself.

  • Stupid hit
  • Let go of your hand like a rocket and go back and forth.

Giant – A female giant with the best waifu. Very brutal (if she doesn’t raise her health at all, she’ll fall asleep). If you dodge well, you can still fight.

  • Down Kick – The main striking position should be to raise the leg to walk behind and hit.
  • Rock Wave Shock – Launch a rock wave forward. The force of the cow dies and the buffalo falls.
  • Jump smash – exactly that.
  • Be careful, she likes chain combos. Kick it down and it’s a wave. Or kick and jump and smash.
  • She can warp like Goku.

Delman – The old psycho in the lab is insane. You can only kill it with a dismemberment machine. It’s not useful.

  • Shoot 3 shots
  • Take a skateboard.


That’s all, if you’re looking for more guides for the game, please check out the following list.

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