Tunnel Escape: Learning Skill and Level CAP

Learning every skills and their corresponding tiers requires over 400 perk point, but Beatrice’s max level cap out at 300. So unless you are a masochist Potion of Mammon farming machine, here is a skill list to help you pick and choose what to pick up.


How to Learn Skills

As Beatrice levels up, she will earn Perk points that she can use to learn skills.
Learning skills will greatly enhance your game play experience.
In Tunnel Escape, skills are not unlocked by levels.
Weapon skills, H skills and passive skills are acquired/learned differently.

1) Weapon & Related Passive Skills
These are learned when you purchase the weapons from the merchant.
Some have pre-req. Learning a skill would unlock more options.

2) H Skills
These are learned from Beatrice’s H experience.
There are two series, one driven by Creampie counter, the other by Orgasm counter.
Just go do H thing with Beatrice. There is no virgin end here.
Also, you will learn a Caress skill, which let you steal things, including passive skills.

3) Passive Skills
Passive skills will appear like a piece of paper when you encounter them.
You can find them by:

  1. Opening a treasure chest
  2. Stealing them with the H Skill Caress
  3. Search for an item when you encounter a corpse blocking your way
  4. Potential reward after defeating a boss
  5. There are also specific crafting and carry capacity skills sold by merchant / commissioner

Caress is the main source of learning skills in early and mid-game. That’s why some of the players going the virgin route is struggling. Most passive skills goes up to tier 10, but there are some exceptions.

Active Skills

Here is a list of all active skills, including default (0 Perk Points), combat, and H skills. Budget 25 Perk points here so you can learn all active skills (both weapon and H).

Combat skills (Perk Cost)

  1. Kick (0)
  2. Reload (0)
  3. Precision Shot (1)
  4. Gun Dance (1)
  5. Rapid Fire (1)
  6. Spray (1)
  7. Focus (1)
  8. Shell Rain (1)
  9. Birdshot (1)
  10. Rubber Shot (1)
  11. Flechette Shot (1)
  12. Slug Shot (1)
  13. Dragon Breath (1)
  14. High alert (1)
  15. Smoke Grenade (1)
  16. Energy Shield (1)
  17. Inferno (1)
  18. RUSH B (0)
  19. Switch to Pistol (0)
  20. Switch to Assualt Rifle (0)
  21. Switch to Shotgun (0)
  22. Switch to Magnum (0)
  23. Switch to Submachine Gun (0)

H skills (Perk Cost)

  1. Struggle (0)
  2. Give Up (0)
  3. Desperate Struggle (1)
  4. Relax (1)
  5. Punch Back (1)
  6. Enjoy (1)
  7. Cooperate (1)
  8. Squeeze (1)
  9. Ovulate (1)
  10. Hold Back Orgasm (1)
  11. Caress (1)
  12. Vitality Drain (1)
  13. So Hot (0)

Passive Skills

It costs 378 points to learn all passive skills.
Here is the list as it is ordered in game (weapon related passive in bold):

  1. Precision Shot – Enhanced (1)
  2. Gun Dance – Enhanced (1)
  3. Rapid Fire – Enhanced (1)
  4. HG Mastery (10)
  5. Spray – Enhanced (1)
  6. Focus – Enhanced (1)
  7. Shell Rain – Enhanced (1)
  8. AR Mastery (10)
  9. SG Mastery (10)
  10. Smoke Grenade – H2SO4 (1)
  11. Energy Shield – REGEN (1)
  12. Inferno Shockwave (1)
  13. GL Mastery (10)
  14. Health of Maiden (10)
  15. Regen of Maiden (10)
  16. Will of Maiden (10)
  17. Speed of Maiden (10)
  18. Fortitude of Maiden (10)
  19. Spirit of Maiden (10)
  20. Scavenger (5)
  21. Breath of Maiden (10)
  22. CQC of Maiden (10)
  23. Hand Grenade Mastery (10)
  24. Prayer of Maiden (10)
  25. Endurance of Maiden (10)
  26. Soft Skin of Maiden (3)
  27. Pain of Maiden (10)
  28. Thorn of Maiden (10)
  29. Vaginal Lubrication (1)
  30. Restraint Resistance (2)
  31. Satisfactory Womb (1)
  32. Body Trade (1)
  33. Pleasure of Fertilization (1)
  34. Antibody (10)
  35. Tactics of Maiden (10)
  36. Splendor of Maiden (10)
  37. Surge of Maiden (10)
  38. Tenderness of Maiden (10)
  39. Resolute of Maiden (10)
  40. Zeal of Maiden (10)
  41. Acumen of Maiden (10)
  42. Shot of Maiden (10)
  43. Bread Carrying (1)
  44. Stimulant Carrying (1)
  45. Lolipop Carrying (1)
  46. AR Ammo Carrying (2)
  47. Hand Grenade Carrying (1)
  48. Flashbang Carrying (1)
  49. SG Ammo Carrying (1)
  50. Dexterity of Maiden (10)
  51. Calmness of Maiden (10)
  52. Charge of Maiden (10)
  53. Carnival of Maiden (10)
  54. Crisis of Maiden (10)
  55. Rage of Maiden (10)
  56. Ingenuity of Maiden (10)
  57. Dagger Mastery (10)
  58. Flashbang Mastery (10)

Level CAP & what to pick

Before you go and learn every single skills you pick up, let me stop you.

  • Beatrice has a natural level cap at 300 (aka only 300 perk points)
  • It costs 403 perks to learn everything
  • There is no perk reset
    [*} Before anyone panics, you can craft Potion of Mammon to lower your level, so you can earn more Perk Points. However, it is fairly costly to craft (30 Mammon ores and 50 Active Catalyst each, farmed in post game). More on this in the next section.

Okay, put down those shovels, I don’t think we need 103 Potion of Mammon.
Given the # of passives, I am pretty sure we can screen out a bunch of passives we can live without.

I would recommend picking up skills in the following priority:

  1. Scavenger skill (increase ammo drop)
  2. H-related passives (prioritize Antibody, Restraint Resistance 2, Satisfactory Womb, Vaginal Lubrication and Pleasure of Fertilization (30% SP recovery when you get seed)) so having H doesn’t cut short your exploration due to VP. This will also increase your skill stealing efficiency
  3. Weapon skills (Prioritize Inferno for GL and shotgun skills, stock pistol and AR works fine for the first 2 stages)
  4. Weapon skills / damage related passives (all weapon skill passive + AR/SG/GL Mastery, can pick up
  5. Soft of Maiden (so you can negate those big hits from crit)
  6. AGI-related skills
  7. ATK-related skills
  8. Eventually pick up all all active skills
  9. HP & SP recovery skills are nice to have, considering how often recovery items drop and you would already have a 30% SP heal from Pleasure of Fertilization. After each fight, use those Bread/Lollipop/Water when you have excess, or they go to the item box in your base.
  10. Item capacity increase

Investing 2 points in Restraint Resistance is a huge priority, as you no longer take damage from H… which will make those super fast Nurses manageable.

Your goal is to train Beatrice so she can act first and 1-shot most mobs with your grenade launcher in post-game. Don’t be afraid to use the Inferno skill as it is great to keep Beatrice’s Heath below 50% for the 3 <50% HP Passives.

Don’t hesitate to use Flashbang whenever Beatrice is in trouble.

Potion of Mammon and Farming Mats

Each Potion of Mammon lowers your level by 1, so you can level up again to earn more perk points.

  • The recipe is sold by the merchant
  • It needs 10 Red + 10 Blue + 10 Purple Ore of Mammoth, plus 50 Active Catalyst
  • All of these can be farmed in post game (Endless Nightmare)
  • Red Ore – Boss kill
  • Purple Ore – Elite enemies, 100% drop from the patrol if you kick the vending machine
  • Blue Ore – Pick up from side rooms
  • Active Catalyst – Trash Drops
  • The further down, the more ores will drop

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