Mad Island: Basic Controls

New to the Mad Island game? Here are the basic controls for the game, in case you don’t know how to move, fight, and interact.


Basic control

Basic movement

  • WSAD or use left click to move.
  • Shift to run, but if you’re too lazy to hold it down, press the X button once and it’ll run all the time. Don’t worry. This game has no stamina. You can run all the way to Mars.
  • E or left click on the item to interact with the closest objects (For example, if there is a tree It will run and cut the wood for you.


  • E or Space light attack
  • F heavy attack
  • Right click protect
  • R to grab ( can be pressed only by males and can only be pressed against female NPCs )

Camera Angle

  • Mouse scroll in-out Zoom in-out
  • Click the mouse wheel and drag. Look in that direction.

Storage shortcut key

  • Hold Shift and click on the It’s about taking all the things or crafting everything.
  • Hold Ctrl and click on the I will divide the item in half.

Other interfaces

  • Q Opens the party management and emote window.
  • M Open the map
  • Numbers 1 – 9 use equipment in the inventory.
  • (The appearance of the storage window looks past the number 9, so arrange the space to fit up to the number 9. If it’s something, you have to press and use it.)
  • ESC Pause game
  • Tab menu page (it will appear in the lower right)

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