Midnight Sin: How to Increase MC’s Stats

This guide will help you boost your MC’s stats in Midnight Sin.


How to Increase MC’s Stats

To increase MC’s stats you have to follow these steps:

  1. Receive the payment the next day (if you have just started the game you will receive it on Tuesday at 16:00, otherwise if you have already started the game you will receive it next day same hour)
  2. Pay Ruslan, so after the dialog you will unlock the mall (where you can buy outfits and accessories) and its garage
  3. Go to the mall parking place any days at 22:00 to do the fights and win, so Ruslan will give you some money
  4. When you have enough money, you have to buy:
    • the men’s workout outfit for weight lifting or hit the heavy bag
    • To hit the heavy bag you need also the boxing gloves
    • buy swimming trunks for a swim

Each activity will increase one of your stats and it can be done once a day:

  • Power: this stat will make you stronger so, when you do fights, you will do a basic higher damage the higher is the stat.
    You will increase the Power stat by 5 points when you do weight lifting.
  • Skill: this stat will make you more reactive during fights, the mini-game will go slower and easier the higher is the stat.
    When you hit the heavy bag, you will increase the Skill stat by 5 points.
  • Endurance: This stat will add more hit points when you fight; the higher the stat, the higher your hit points.
    When you swim, you will increase the Endurance stat by 5 points.

Also, some more accessories will help you to increase your stats faster:

  • Protein: will increase Power stat by 5 additional points when you weight lifting.
  • Jump rope: will increase Skill stat by 5 additional points when you hit the heavy bag.
  • Swim googles: will increase Endurance stat by 5 additional points when you swim.
  • Mounthguard: will increase your HP by 50 points

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