Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 – Optimized Settings

Greetings, fellow Space Marines! Are you looking to maintain a smooth and consistent framerate even amidst the chaos of battle? Look no further! I’ve compiled a set of optimized settings that have been averaging me a steady 50-60 fps, ensuring that you don’t miss a beat of the action.


Optimized Settings for W40k: Space Marine 2

This guide is a concise yet comprehensive guide to tweaking your game settings for the best possible performance. It’s designed to help you get the most out of your hardware without compromising the visual spectacle that Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has to offer.


Display Mode: FULLSCREEN
– Play with different Resolutions I switched from 2560x1440p to 1920x1080p and noticed significant stability

Render Resolution: PERFORMANCE
– Play around with either Balanced to Ultra Performance depending on system. IMO Performance is the sweet spot.

Resolution Upscaling: DLSS (if you’re AMD go FSR)

V-Sync: OFF

Motion Blur: Default

FPS Limit: Preference
– I wasn’t able to go beyond 60 anyways so I did 60 lol


Texture Filtering: HIGH
– You can even go Ultra without butchering performance

Texture Resolution: ULTRA
– Looks great and didn’t lose considerable performance, lower it if you do.

Shadows: MEDIUM
– Got like 6-8 extra FPS

– It looks so much better leaving them as DEFAULT but I did notice a good enough boost to keep them off.

Volumetrics: MEDIUM

Effects: HIGH
– Didn’t even try other options. THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE BLOODY.

Details: HIGH
– Didn’t see a major difference between HIGH and MEDIUM.\

Cloth Sim: MEDIUM

Settings credit to emi

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In the heat of battle, every frame counts. By following this guide, you’ll be able to maintain a smooth gaming experience that keeps you immersed in the action.

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