DATE A LIVE: Ren Dystopia – All Endings Guide

A guide to know the combination of choices to end on the good ending of each character.


1st Choice

At the begining will appear a choice betwen Kaguya or Yuzuru. Pick which one you like, it doesn’t trigger any route. Just use the Quick Save function to get both memories for the achievement.

Map Day 1

Here is where you choose wich route you want do do.
But first watch the sub-characters events to get all memories.


1st Choice

1st – (Make her eat carrots.)

2nd Choice

2nd – (Just stay quiet and carry her home.)

3rd Choice

2nd – (Don’t try it out.)


1st Choice

1st – Turn around.

2nd Choice

2nd – Don’t close my eyes.

3rd Choice

2nd – Don’t give up.



1st Choice

1st – (Take it seriously.)

2nd Choice

2nd – (Something felt wrong.)

3rd Choice

2nd – (I prefer the usual Yoshino.)


1st Choice

1st – (It looks great on you.)

2nd Choice

2nd – (Rely on her.)

3rd Choice

1st – (I’d have done the same.)


1st Choice

2nd – (Stop her.)

2nd Choice

1st – (Not really…)

3rd Choice

2nd – (That apology just now was better.)


1st Choice

2nd – Kaguya made it possible.

2nd Choice

2nd – (Help Kaguya.)

3rd Choice

1st – (I had fun.)


1st Choice

2nd – (Avert my eyes.)

2nd Choice

2nd – (Pretend to be asleep.)

3rd Choice

2nd – (I felt relieved.)


1st Choice

1st – (Hug.)

2nd Choice

1st – (Hug her.)

3rd Choice

2nd – (I’m angry.)


1st Choice

2nd – Why, is there something wrong?

2nd Choice

2nd – (Leave)

3rd Choice

2nd – (I’m still not sure.)


Route Trigger
After completing a character ending (don’t know if needs to be good or bad ending) Ren appears at the Shrine, just select her.

What Ending now?

Ren’s route only have one choice with 3 options, each one leads to a diferent ending:
1 – (I want to go on a date with you.) > Bad Ending
2 – (I want to introduce you to everyone.) > Good Ending
3 – (I want to break your restrains.) > True Ending

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