OBSCURA: Official Guide to All Achievements

A guide to getting all the achievements, directly from a dev.


Thank You

End Keir’s first chapter with all six affection points. For reference, check the Ending Guide to see all choices that give affection points.

No, You Do It

During Cirrus’ first chapter, choose to dislike the moment of prayer with him and then demand he be the one to do the flogging.

“I feel guilty for thinking about Cirrus in a sinful way.” / “I don’t understand why he was so insistent.”
☆ “I don’t want it to happen again.” / “It was kind of nice.”
“I loved it.” / ☆ “I hated every second of it.”

Do it yourself
☆ Have Cirrus do it

Thorough Shopper

See all possible items for sale at Sateen. What items are shown is completely random, so saving and loading before the Sateen visit will help a lot.

How Adorable

Tell Oleander that you are not very good at dancing.

“Quite good.”
★ “I do the best I can.”

Party Animal

This achievement requires seeing all five variations of a scene in the Mosaic club in Francesco’s first chapter. There are two conditions that the scenes require: your affection level with Francesco and your “sub points”. Refer to Endings #14 & #15 for the choices that give affection points. These are the choices that give you sub points.

☆ Flirt

☆ Do something about it
Leave it be

These are the conditions for each of the scene variations:

☆ 0 or fewer affection points and 0 sub points
☆ 4 or greater affection points and 0 sub points
☆ 1 or fewer affection points and 2 sub points
☆ 5 or greater affection points and 2 sub points
☆ If no other scenes are available, you get the fifth scene (easiest to get with just one sub point)


This achievement requires seeing all three variations of the second punishment scene in Cirrus’ route. These variations are based on “brat points” acquired during Cirrus’ second chapter. These are the choices that affect your brat points in Chapter Two.

☆ Let loose
Be quiet

“♥♥♥♥ you.”
☆ “No.”

☆ “I hope you sleep on the floor.”
“Maybe I did.”

“He’s just an acquaintance.”
☆ “Oh yeah, he’s cute.”

☆ “Egg him on.”
“Hold back.”

The three variations are:

☆ No brat points
☆ 1-3 brat points
☆ 4+ brat points

The 4+ scene does not count towards your achievement unlock if you get a bad ending during the punishment; you will need to play through a large chunk of the punishment (passing the trigger for the bad end) before the scene counts as “seen” for the purpose of the achievement.

Escape Master

This achievement requires seeing all four variations of the second heist scene in Keir’s route. These variations are based on noise points acquired during Keir’s second chapter. These are the choices that affect the player’s noise points.

Follow Lave close +2
Stand at the mouth of the alcove +1
Stay put +0

Open the silk crate +2
Open the spice crate +1
Open the work trousers crate +0

Wait for the guard to pass (⅓ odds of giving +3, ⅔ odds of giving +0)
Throw a [object] to distract the guard +1
Attack the guard (instant bad end)

Lose control +1 (also applies if the timer runs out)
Stay calm +0

And these are the point requirements for each variation.

★ No noise points
★ 1-2 noise points
★ 3-4 noise points
★ 5-6 noise points

The variation that requires 5 or more noise points will not count to your achievement unlock if you get a bad ending from gaining too many noise points. You will need to play a chunk of the heist and pass the trigger for the bad end before the scene counts as “seen” for the purpose of this achievement.

Bet Winner

This achievement requires several conditions. In order, the player must already have had a successful heist in Chapter One. The easiest way to ensure this is to choose these interactions with the Friendly Stranger in Chapter One.

★ Accept

★ Answer

★ “Most people here are.”

Then, in Chapter Two, when interacting with Griff you have the opportunity to make the bet with him.

Drop it
★ Rise to the challenge

To beat Griff in the bet and win the achievement, the player must collect four or more “loot points” during the heist. Loot can be collected in two moments.

Follow Lave close +3
Stand at the mouth of the alcove +2
Stay put +1

Open the silk crate +0
Open the spice crate +1
Open the work trousers crate +2

If the player chooses to throw a bottle to distract a guard, that is a -1 to loot.


This achievement rewards a very specific series of choices. First, the player must have 5 or 6 noise points in the heist (see Escape Master for a list of noise point opportunities). During the heist, a specific choice must be made.

★ Hit the guard’s mask
Hit the guard’s arm

Reach the end of the heist, have ten affection points with Keir (see the Endings Guide for a full list of affection point choices), do not decide what he did was unforgivable, and then choose to punch him.

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