NO STRANGERS: Beginners’ Guide

The NoStrangers starter guide and game basics



NoStrangers is a thrilling multiplayer game where players can take randomly one of three roles: Cursed, Innocent, or Guard. The game takes place on a map with a set number of hidden items. The Innocents must find these items, the Guard protects the Innocents, and the Cursed tries to eliminate everyone while blending in with the Innocents.

Roles in the Game

  1. Innocent
    • Objective: Find all hidden items on the map (15 items, depending on the map).
    • Innocents don’t have weapons. Your main goal is to work together to collect all the items while staying alive.
    • Beware of the Cursed player who may be pretending to be one of you!
  2. Guard
    • Objective: Protect the Innocents and identify the Cursed player.
    • The Guard is armed with a pistol. Your job is to find and kill the Cursed player without harming the Innocents.
    • Be careful! Killing the wrong person (an Innocent) can cost your team.
  3. Cursed (Killer)
    • Objective: Eliminate all the Innocents and the Guard.
    • As the Cursed player, you look just like an Innocent but can secretly pull out a knife to kill others.
    • Use stealth and deception to eliminate the Guard and Innocents before they finish collecting all the items.

Game Mechanics

  1. Spawning
    • All players spawn at a single respawn point. The game begins immediately after players see their roles.
  2. Hidden Items
    • There are around 15 hidden items on the map that the Innocents must find. These items might change based on map updates.
    • Innocents win by collecting all the items, even if the Guard dies.
  3. Combat & Defense
    • The Guard can only use their pistol to defend the Innocents and kill the Cursed player.
    • The Cursed player has a knife and can secretly attack the Innocents while they search for items.
    • If the Guard kills the Cursed, the game ends, and the Innocents and Guard win.

Winning Conditions

  1. Innocent & Guard Victory
    • Collect all the hidden items, or
    • The Guard successfully kills the Cursed player.
  2. Cursed Victory
    • The Cursed wins if they kill all the Innocents and the Guard.

Tips for Each Role

  • Stick together! You’re vulnerable without weapons, and teamwork increases your chances of survival.
  • Be cautious of suspicious behavior. Anyone could be the Cursed.
  • Move quickly to find the items before it’s too late.
  • Keep an eye on everyone. The Cursed will try to blend in, so be alert for strange actions.
  • Don’t shoot recklessly—killing an Innocent by mistake can cost you the game.
  • Stay close to the Innocents and protect them as they search for items.
  • Be sneaky. Don’t reveal yourself too early, or the Guard will target you.
  • Take advantage of confusion among the Innocents.
  • Attack when they’re distracted by searching for items.

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