Yarimono: 100% Achievement Guide

A spoiler-free guide to getting all achievements in the game.


100% Achievement Guide

This is a spoiler-free guide to getting all 15 achievements in the game. This is not a walkthrough and only the necessary instructions to getting the achievements will be detailed. There are 2 missable achievements: “Cheat? No, Thank you~” and “Defeat Leo.” The 13 others are either unlocked automatically by progressing the story or can be obtained at any time.

Start of the Journey

You get this at the beginning of the game after obtaining the Yarimon Encyclopedia.

Cheat? No, thank you~

To get this achievement you must finish the story, acquire all 151 Yarimon, and defeat the Champion in the post-game, all while only having used Cheat Tackle one time total. The one time you’re allowed to use Cheat Tackle is at the very start of the game in your first battle with Hikari where you are forced to use it. There is a counter at the bottom of the screen that shows how many times you’ve used the move during your playthrough so if it’s ever more than 1 then you’ll know you’ve screwed up.

Once Chikepu learns her 5th move, you can remove Cheat Tackle and never have to worry about misclicking on it. In the final boss battle, she will have the attack Wings to the Future; I never used it just in case it counts so use it at your own risk.

After you finish the story, complete the Yarimon Encyclopedia, and defeat the Champion, you must enter the special building in Big City that only opens once you become Champion. Talk to the purple-haired girl and choose the relevant dialogue option to pop the achievement.

Defeat Leo

To get this achievement you have to win your first fight with Leo in Big City without using Cheat Tackle. If you don’t want to do this now, you can just lose the fight so you can still get the Cheat? No, thank you~ achievement. This fight is near the beginning of the game so you can start a new playthrough on a separate file and get back to this point easily. In fact I would recommend doing that anyway because you need to blow all your money on revive items to cheese the fight, but it’s up to you.

There is a relatively easy way to win without using Cheat Tackle but it is heavily RNG dependent and may take a few tries. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Catch a Candlinger and a Messa for your team. Candlinger can be found on the first route and Messa can be found above the first route in the forest area. You need to take the right path through the trees to the next screen with the mysterious abandoned building, then go up and left back out into the same area except now you’ll be above the ledge. You can get Messa in the grass patch here.

Step 3: Defeat every trainer you can access before the Leo fight to level up and get money. You should be level 12-15 but it doesn’t really matter since you’ll be getting OHKO’d every turn anyway. If you started a new file for this, feel free to use Cheat Tackle on the other trainers.

Step 3: Go to the lab and spend all your money on Energy Mushrooms. This is the “revive” item of this game.

Step 4: Go to Big City and save in front of Leo before starting the fight. If you started a new file for this, be careful not to save over your main file.

Step 5: Fight Leo’s first two Yarimon like you would normally, they are at a reasonable level for this point of the game.

Step 6: Pray to RNGesus.

Step 7: Leo’s third Yarimon will be a massively overleveled Lioroar, so here is the cheese strat: Candlinger and Messa both have a passive ability that has a chance to apply a status when they get hit (Blaze and Curse respectively). Both of these statuses cause damage at the end of the turn (like poison). Keep letting Lioroar kill Candlinger and Messa over and over until he is affected by both Blaze and Curse. Don’t bother trying to attack, just spam Energy Mushrooms to revive your brave sacrifices every turn. Prioritize Messa at first because Curse blocks healing, which Lioroar will do. Eventually Lioroar will go down to Curse and Blaze damage. If you run out of Energy Mushrooms before he dies, reload your save and try again until it works. The chance to inflict status is pretty high so it shouldn’t take long.

Once you beat Leo the achievement will pop.

Energy of the Soul

Progress the story.

Brand New Power

Progress the story.

Mystery Awaits

Progress the story.

Star Trainer

Defeat one Star Trainer. These are especially strong trainers with a star symbol above their head. Since you’re not using Cheat Tackle, you’ll have to wait until closer to the end of the story until you’re strong enough to fight them (around level 70). Once you beat your first one, the achievement will pop.

Delivery Witch

Use the witch’s delivery service (this game’s fast travel). You have to beat the witch in order to unlock the service. She has one overleveled Yarimon, so you can cheese her like we did with Leo or just wait until you’re strong enough to fight her normally. Once you fast travel for the first time the achievement will pop.

Master of Tips

Interact with all 10 of the Jizo statues. They are not hidden and you will come across each one naturally by playing through the game. If you happen to chance upon two Jizo sitting side-by-side, keep groping the soft and supple one until it moves. Once you’ve interacted with all 10 (real) Jizo the achievement will pop. Namu namu.

Contacts are important

Progress the story.

Wings to the Future

Finish the story and feel conflicted about a hentai game making you cry.


Defeat Champion Athena in the post-game. You can find her in Central waiting at the final tournament venue. Once you beat her and watch the credits again, the achievement will pop.

Researcher D’s Note

In the post-game, return to the big cave and enter the room where you first met Quem and Vise. A new room will be open. Interact with the briefcase in there and read all 17 of the researcher’s notes. Once you’ve read them all, the achievement will pop.

Gotta Catch’em All!

Catch all 151 Yarimon and complete the Yarimon Encyclopedia. Most can be caught in the wild but some you will have to evolve yourself. I would recommend catching every new Yarimon you find as you play through the game so by the end you will just have some cleaning up to do that won’t take long. The encyclopedia will tell you where you can find them if you don’t have them yet. Once you’ve caught them all, go to the developer’s building in Big City and talk to the purple-haired girl. Choose the relevant dialogue option and the achievement will pop.

Back to Back to Back

Beat all 69 battles of the End Content Tour in the post-game. Go to Central and to the right of the front desk Hikari’s mom will show you into a new room that is a shop. Go through the shop to the next room. This is a Battle Tower like facility where you will face 23 trainers in a row. There are 3 sets of 23 for a total of 69 trainers you have to beat. You can’t use Chikepu here so pick a team of 3 and prepare to spend an hour or two battling. There is no consequence for losing a battle, you will just start again at the trainer you lost to, so don’t worry about having an actual strategy or anything. Once you beat all 69 trainers the achievement will pop.

Congrats! You got all the achievements!

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