The Leviathan’s Fantasy: V2.0 Purple and Golden Bloodlines

This guide, crafted by Dieshen, will list all Purple and Golden Bloodlines in the new Version 2.0.


Bloodlines Part 1

Each bloodline offers unique abilities and stats, shaping your character’s destiny.

Bloodline Attributes
Level 10
Level 25
Level 40
Level 60
Level 80
Level 100
Ancestral Spirit
Hit+40, Crit+40, Each attack deals an additional 200 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack)
3% PHY Dodge, 3% Move SPD
20 SPD
15 INT
25 AGI
Bow: 5% to deal additional 80%
250 STR, -150 INT
Bow: 10% to deal additional 150%
Move SPD+50, DEF+5%, Get Angel wings
3% MATK, 3% MDEF
15 INT
10% HP, 5% ATK
10% PDEF, -15% MDEF
10 Faith [No clue what faith does]
90 Dodge, 20% each attack to deal 250% of dodge [20s cooldown]
Demon Hunting Congregation
Each attack 10% to gain enchantment deals dmg to enemy for 8s [No clue what enchantment means]
5% PHY Hit
25 Dodge
15 AGI
Each attack 50% to reduce enemy PHY HIT by 30%
250 STR, -150 INT
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Demon King
Each attack deal additional 25% INT, 5% to summon demon (max 1) [100s cooldown]
3% INT, 3% MDEF
15 STR
10% HP, 5% ATK
Max HP+150
45 Dodge
Heal 50% HP every 300s
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Elemental Mastery
10% MATK, Each attack 10% to unleash a fireball dealing 100% MATK
3% INT, 3% MATK
25 Dodge
15 INT
25 INT
20% MATK, 20% MDEF
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Fallen Archangel
Movement+50, ATK+5%, Get Fallen Angel wings
20 TAL
25 Dodge
Max HP+150
25 INT
Heal 50% HP every 300s
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Frost Giant
DEF+8%, Max HP+8%, Max HP+1500
8% STR, -3% INT, -3% Move SPD
15 STR
20 SPD
Each attack 50% to reduce enemy PHY HIT by 30%
25 STR
250 STR, -150 INT
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Gain 60 to every attribute, Each attack 10% to gain 1.5% ATK for 15s, up to 5 stacks
15 STR
10% HP, 5% ATK
25 AGI
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Heal 50% HP every 300s
God of Destruction
ATK+10% when using spear, 10% to summon a shadow with 40% ATK
15 STR
15 AGI
Max HP+150
10 Faith [No clue what faith does]
30% HP, 30% DEF
Golden Fairy
Each attack 8% to increase by ATK+16% or reduce enemy DEF by 16% for 10s
10% HP, 5% ATK
Each attack 10% to deal projectile with 60% ATK
25% ATK
80 STR
80 INT
PATK+20%, ATK SPD+10%, Move SPD+10%, Crit DMG+100%
Max HP+8%, Each attack increase ATK by 4% for 10s, up to 5 stacks, Increase 4% DEF when attacked for 10s, up to 5 stacks
3% Crit, 3% PHY Hit
15 STR
15 AGI
25 STR
10% PDEF, -15% MDEF
Heal 50% HP every 300s
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Grim Reaper
PDEF+14%, MDEF-30%, Each attack 10% to summon death scythe dealing additional 120% PDEF
3% PATK, 3% Move SPD, -1% Mag Hit
15 INT
10% HP, 5% ATK
10% Dodge, -5% PHY damage taken
30 TAL
250 STR, -150 INT
Summon Spirit Disk [100s cooldown]
Each attack inflict poison dealing 1.8% Max HP per second for 5s, -10% ATK of enemies within 10 meters
3% TAL, 3% Move SPD
20 SPD
20 TAL
25 AGI
45 Dodge
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
15% when attacked to restore 1% HP [20s cooldown]
Each crit restore 4% HP and increase by 4% ATK for 10s, up to 5 stacks
3% PHY Dodge, 3% Move SPD
20 SPD
15 INT
25 AGI
Bow: 5% to deal additional 80%
250 STR, -150 INT
Bow: 10% to deal additional 150%
Legendary Warrior
PATK+10%, +Belief [No clue what belief is]
3% PATK, 3% PDEF
15 STR
15 AGI
25 STR
10% PDEF, -15% MDEF
Heal 50% HP every 300s
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Nine Tailed Fox
Each dodge 30% to restore 5% HP, Each attack 15% to summon foxfire 80% INT+30% MATK
25 Dodge
10% HP, 5% ATK
25 INT
80 INT
20% MATK, 20% MDEF
Max HP+10%, <70% HP transform to werewolf and gain +20% ATK SPD for 60s
3% TAL, 2 Lifesteal
35 Crit Dmg
20% Crit Dmg
20% to gain 50 ATK SPD for 5s
25 STR
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
Heal 50% HP every 300s
Sky priest
Each attack 50% to summon animal (max 1)
20 SPD
20 TAL
2% when attacked +500 ATK for 10s [50s cooldown]
2% when attacked +500 DEF for 10s [50s cooldown]
Heal 50% HP every 300s
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
80 SPD, 100 ATK, 100 DEF, 2000 HP, 20 Crit, Receiving an attack increases STR and INT by 1% for 30s, up to 20 stacks
3% Basic Attributes
20 TAL
20 SPD
Heal 50% HP every 300s
30% HP, 30% DEF
Vampire Duke
-30% Max HP, -0.3% HP each attack, 8% each attack to restore 8% HP
3% INT, 1% AGI, 2 Lifesteal
20% Crit Dmg
20% to gain 50 ATK SPD for 5s
3% Lifesteal
25 INT
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
15% when attacked to summon bat. Restore 15% HP when bat dies

Bloodlines Part 2

Bloodline Attributes
Level 10
Level 25
Level 40
Level 60
Level 80
Level 100
Wind God
Each attack deals an additional 100 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack), Each attack +1% AGI for 15s, up to 10 stacks,
8% PDEF, 8% MDEF, 1% Basic Attributes
15 AGI
25 AGI
Each attack 50% to reduce enemy PHY HIT by 30%
80 AGI
30% DEF, 30% Dodge, -15% PHY dmg taken
80% TAL
Xuanyuan Sword
Each attack deals an additional 200 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack), Each attack 20% to deal 200% AGI+30% PATK to Front/Fan
10% HP, 5% ATK
Each attack 10% to deal projectile with 60% ATK
80 STR
10 Faith [No clue what faith does]
15% when attacked to restore 1% HP, [20s cooldown]
Z Virus
Heal+20, each attack deals additional 3% of own max HP
3% TAL, 5% Heal
15 AGI
20 TAL
45 Dodge
2% to restore 60 HP when attacked
250 STR, -150 INT
4% to restore 200 HP when attacked
Eye Of Heaven (Yang Jian)
Hit+20%, Each attack 10% to gain 2% ATK for 10s, up to 10 stacks
3% Crit, 3% PHY Hit
25 Dodge
Each attack 2% to gain 3 TAL for 60s, up to 20 stacks
20% when attacked to gain 30% DEF for 10s [15s cooldown]
Each attack 5% to surround self in flames dealing 80% ATK for 10s [30s cooldown]
250 STR, -150 INT
Each attack 2% to gain 5 STR, 5 AGI for 60s, up to 20 stack
God of Thunder (Zeus)
Hit+10, Dodge+10%, Each attack 30% to deal 500% dodge + 50% MATK
20 SPD
15 AGI
25 AGI
Each attack 5% to deal 5% of own max HP [25s cooldown]
5% when attacked to deal 250% of Dodge [10s cooldown]
5% when attacked to deal 800% of Dodge [6s cooldown]
Spiritual Stone Monkey (Son Wukong)
Armor breaking effect, Max HP+5%, Max HP+500, 30 Crit, +50% Crit dmg, 100 Move SPD
2% Crit, 2% Crit DMG, 2% Move SPD
15 INT
25 Dodge
25 AGI
Each attack 5% to deal 5% of own max HP [25s cooldown]
80 STR
Each attack 2% to gain 5 STR, 5 AGI for 60s, up to 20 stack

Golden Bloodlines

Golden Bloodline
Changed Effects
Additional Effect
Golden Bloodline
Changed Effects
Additional Effect
Ancestral Spirit
Hit+50, Crit+80, Each attack deals an additional 200 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack)
Crit Dmg+30%
Each crit restore 6% HP and increase by 6% ATK for 10s, up to 5 stacks
Move SPD+60, DEF+10%, Get Angel wings
Increase belief by 3% to surrounding allies [No clue what belief is]
Legendary Warrior
PATK+15%, +Belief [No clue what belief is]
PATK+5% for surrounding allies
Demon Hunting Congregation
Each attack 30% to gain enchantment deals dmg to enemy for 8s [No clue what enchantment means]
Nine Tailed Fox
Each dodge 50% to restore 7% HP, Each attack 15% to summon foxfire dealing (100% INT+50% MATK)
Get Nine Tails
Demon King
Each attack deal additional 30% INT, 5% to summon demon (max 1) [100s cooldown]
When attacked increase ATK by 20% for 15s
Max HP+15%, <70% HP transform to werewolf and gain +20% ATK SPD for 60s
Elemental Mastery
15% MATK, Each attack 10% to unleash meteorite rain dealing 120% MATK
Sky priest
Each attack 50% to summon animal (max 1)
Each attack received 10% to stun enemy for 3s
Fallen Archangel
Movement+60, ATK+10%, Get Angel wings
Increase belief by 3% to surrounding allies [No clue what belief is]
100 Move SPD, 200 ATK, 200 DEF, 5000 HP, 20 Crit, Receiving an attack increases STR and INT by 1% for 30s, up to 20 stacks
Frost Giant
DEF+10%, Max HP+10%, Max HP+2000
Each attack received 10% to increase DEF by 1% for 15s, up to 10 stacks
Vampire Duke
-20% Max HP, -0.2% HP each attack, 15% each attack to restore 15% HP
HP Recovery SPD+100%
Gain 100 to every attribute, Each attack 10% to gain 2% ATK for 15s, up to 5 stacks
Wind God
Each attack deals an additional 100 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack), Each attack +2% AGI for 15s, up to 10 stacks
Each successful dodge increase ATK by 5% for 10s, up to 10 stacks
God of Destruction
ATK+20% when using spear, 10% to summon a shadow with 60% ATK
Normal attacks have a chance of triggering a sweeping strike
Xuanyuan Sword
Each attack deals an additional 300 PATK for every 100 AGI (Can’t stack), Each attack 20% to deal (300% AGI+30% PATK) to Front/Fan
Each attack received, 20% to increase ATK by 3% for 10s, up to 10 stacks
Golden Fairy
Each attack 10% to increase by ATK+25% or reduce enemy DEF by 20% for 10s
Z Virus
Heal+40, each attack deals additional 5% of own max HP
Recover 30% HP every 180s
Max HP+13%, Each attack increase ATK by 5% for 10s, up to 5 stacks, Increase 5% DEF when attacked for 10s, up to 5 stacks
Each attack 10% chance to deal 120% PATK to enemies within 3 meters [10s cooldown]
Eye Of Heaven (Yang Jian)
Hit+30%, Each attack 10% to gain 3% ATK for 30s, up to 10 stacks
Each attack 5% to deal 20x PHY Hit and 20x MAG Hit [3s cooldown]
Grim Reaper
PDEF+20%, MDEF-30%, Each attack 15% to summon death scythe dealing additional 160% PDEF
Each time you dodge, MDEF+5% for 30s, up to 30 stacks
God of Thunder (Zeus)
Hit+15%, Dodge+15%, Each attack 30% to deal lightning (800% dodge + 100% MATK) to enemy
Each attack increase dodge by 20 for 30s, up to 10 stacks
Hanba Mummy
Each attack inflict poison dealing 2.5% Max HP per second for 5s, -15% ATK of enemies within 10 meters
Spiritual Stone Monkey (Son Wukong)
Armor breaking effect, Max HP+5%, Max HP+1500, Crit+50%, Crit dmg+75%, 100 Move SPD
Each attack 5% to deal 10x STR and 10x INT [3s cooldown]
This list was created by Dieshen

Final Words

Throughout the guide, we’ve listed each bloodline with the details and attributes.

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