Welcome to the comprehensive guide for locating all the Red Caps in Studio System: Guardian Angel. This guide aims to provide a clear and concise overview of where to find each Red Cap, ensuring you can efficiently collect them to unlock one of the game’s endings.
why would you do that?
Collecting 6 of them is required for obtaining one of the endings, however there are more than 6 available to collect.
To collect a camera cap, hold right mouse button and press Q on each cap you find.
To collect a camera cap, hold right mouse button and press Q on each cap you find.
cap 1 [school]
You can find the first one just after you meet with the divine entity and select your pact.

cap 2 [school]
Second cap you’ll encounter is hanging from a tree in the area you unlock with Wendigo’s help.

cap 3 [school]
Next one is obtainable after you go down the staircase and fall onto bunch of barrels.

cap 4 [after caves]
The fourth cap is hidden hanging on a cable behind the generator building, where you need to insert battery.

cap 5 [Wendigo’s quest for journals]
Next one is located above the entrance to the polka dot room.

cap 6 [Wendigo’s quest for journals]
The sixth, or fifth cap (depends on which path you choose to explore first) is in one of the rooms on the 1st floor of the Wendigo’s hideout building.
Note that you can only collect the cap from the left side of shown structure, when camera angle moves.
Note that you can only collect the cap from the left side of shown structure, when camera angle moves.

cap 7 [after 2nd boss]
Just like the first one, it’s quite straightforward – you encounter it by progressing. Pretty sure you can’t miss it.

cap 8 [endgame]
Next one is tricky. After you navigate through the black void area with circles, go through the door and jump down. You have to collect it midair, unless you somehow manage to land on one of the platforms.

cap 9 [endgame]
The final camera cap is hanging from the cable car you use during the last stretch of the game.