Tiny Pasture: Achievements Guide 100%

Welcome to the comprehensive achievement guide forย Tiny Pasture. This guide aims to provide a clear and detailed explanation of how to unlock all achievements in the game, including hidden ones.



Most of the achievements in this game are clear to everyone and are obtained after purchase. But there are a number of unclear mechanics and two hidden achievements. This guide will have a complete description

Novice Pasture Keeper

Raise the animal until it grows up. Buy any animal and click on its statistics. It will indicate the time when your pet becomes an adult

Beginner Pasture Keeper

Raise a total of 10 animals to adulthood. Any 10 animals will do, if you sell one, it will still be counted.

Skilled Pasture Keeper

Raise a total of 50 animals to adulthood. Any will do; when selling a pet, it still counts.

Super Pasture Keeper

Raise a total of 500 animals to adulthood. Final cumulative achievement with “growing up”.

Animal Collection Expert

I advise you to buy as early as possible. Costs only 1000 gold, but does all the work for you

Poop Destroyer

Every few minutes the pet will give us a โ€œgiftโ€. It can be removed manually or using a broom. No matter which way you “clear the screen”, the poop meter will fill up to unlock other pets


To get this achievement, you need to accumulate 20 thousand gold (gold spent is counted)

Organic Feeding

Buy a plant for 500 gold. It will grow within minutes and produce red, edible fruit. You will need to rip them off to get the achievement (Achievement is secret)

High-Efficiency Breeding Room

Unlock the structure: Mysterious Curtain. With this invention, two pets can make a โ€œbabyโ€ every 15 minutes, but the parents die. The child turns out to be more profitable in terms of gold

New Animal!

As soon as you cross two pets, the achievement is yours

Encyclopedia Enthusiast: All Animals

The game has an encyclopedia. It shows how many different colors each pet has. To get all the colors, you need to buy pets of a certain type until the right one appears

Encyclopedia Collector

The most difficult achievements! It will take a lot of time, patience and luck.
To get a โ€œrainbowโ€ animal, you need to knock it out. We stock up on 100,000,000 gold and start playing the local โ€œlotteryโ€. It can take a long time before even one animal appears. You need to knock out one rainbow pet of each type. Once you have one color, you can use it to make all the colors (for achievements) using the “High-Efficency Breedin Room”.
To get the “Great New Animal!” achievement, you need to crossbreed two rainbow animals and get the most profitable pet

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