Vex Clock: Computer Chip Locations

The Computer Chips are as plentiful as they can be very well hidden- this guide intends to help with that by showing amounts and locations per zone.


Tutorial + Act 1

Firstly, some knowledge to help you locate chips; Chips will emit a blue glow, making it easier to spot from afar, and uncollected chips will make a low droning noise. While not too helpful with harder to reach chips, it can make chips hidden behind objects easier to notice.

Tutorial – 2 Chips

1st: Out in the open in a translucent blue cylinder.
2nd: Tucked behind some destructible crates to the right of the melee-gate switch.

Slum Beginnings – 2 Chips

3rd: After killing the bot that’s facing away from you, head straight forwards and look behind the tires.
4th: Post-Checkpoint, immediately after walking up the stairs in front of where you spawn, look underneath the ramp right after said stairs.

The Trainyard – 2 Chips

5th: Right before the checkpoint-gate, behind a gate locked by melee-gate switch. The switch can be found after the diagonal train car you walk through.
6th: Post-Checkpoint, after the first sewer bot encounter behind destructible crates. (Be sure to deal with the second sewer bot and scuttler first!)

Tick Tock Factory – 2 Chips

7th: Reach the T-intersection and take a left. Jump onto the railing to reach a metal pipe.
8th: Post-Checkpoint, from the large ramp you take to get onto the cog to reach the end, instead turn left and step onto the metal pipe. Follow it to the catwalk at the start.

Ransacked Market – 2 Chips

9th: After passing through the damaged bus, turn right and look behind the crates.
10th: Post-Checkpoint, before the rising cog that takes you to the end of the level, turn left onto a thin ledge to a triangular platform.

First Contact – 1 Chip

11th: After Bubbo is defeated, use the Arm Cannon to blast through the wall. Go forwards, then head left through an open gate in the fence.

Act 2

Coral Gardens – 2 Chips

12th: Checkpoint room, check behind the first scaffolding on the left side.
13th: Behind the cylindrical aquariums in the room before the exit-gate room.

Aquarium Riot – 2 Chips

14th: After going through the hallway to the second room with the large aquarium in the center, clear out the enemies and jump onto the stacked crates to the right of the doorway out. Jump across to the boxes with the ramp on them.
15th: Along the right side of the arena, there’s a small alleyway blocked by breakable boxes. Break the boxes to find the chip.

Flooded Metropolis – 3 Chips

16th: Across from the ladder being used as a ramp, there’s a tree surrounded by benches; Look behind the tree.
17th: In the same area, there’s a semi-truck with a health crate next to the rear end of it. Use it to jump onto the truck and go towards the front of it. Jump onto the awning, turning towards the rising cog to see the chip. Alternatively, jump against the tires at the front of the semi-truck in the first area, onto the hood, then onto the top of the truck to reach the awning.
18th: Post-Checkpoint, in the back right corner of the area behind the semi-truck you spawn in front of; There’s a chip between the metal construct and the large crates.

Mechanical Constructs – 2 Chips

19th: Before the checkpoint-gate, turn around and run to the destroyed part of the catwalk that faces where you spawn in from.
20th: After going through the first breakable wall, instead of going right jump onto the cog to the left, parkour your way to the chip next to the start of the level.

Old Friend – 1 Chip

21st: After defeating Deacon, grab the Mirror Dash ability and go up the ramp- turn left, and jump onto the shelves to collect the chip.

Act 3

Dark Backstreets – 2 Chips

22nd: In the area with the cog tree where you have to dash onto the other side of a broken catwalk to continue, break the boxes beneath said catwalk. (Alternatively you can drop down from the catwalk, but the boxes would get broken either way)
23rd: When on the road leading to the exit gate, turn the opposite way and head behind the abandoned cars.

Streetside Suppression – 2 Chips

24th: At the beginning, behind where the Turret Guard was positioned.
25th: After the wave battle, enter the hallway towards the exit-gate and break the boxes on the left.

Up High Hijinks – 3 Chips

26th: After the second Helibot attack, climb onto the triangular roof and jump onto a nearby floating cog.
27th: Post-Checkpoint, make your way to the top of the nearby building, then dash across to land behind the fenced-off area. Alternatively, jump onto the tires of the semi-truck, then onto the hood to eventually jump onto the awning across from where the chip is.
28th: In the fenced-in area before the exit gate, look behind the wood palettes across next to the scaffolding.

Hope’s Bridge – 2 Chips

29th: Check around the scaffolding on the right side with the spinning cogs on it.
30th: Post-Checkpoint, after bursting open the door to the parkour room, make your way across the cogs until you have the height to jump onto the catwalk where the gunners were positioned (Either from 3rd cog or the other catwalk). Walk along the catwalk to the corner the first gunner was at.

No Mercy – 1 Chip

31st: After defeating Iris, use the timewarp ability in combination with the Mirror Dash to get past the fan; Be careful not to immediately exit the arena, since there’s a chip hidden all the way to the right behind some crates.

Act 4

Overshadowed Greenery – 2 Chips

32nd: In the room after the second fan, either go towards the fence and go through an open door, or go up and drop down next to the ramp. Please note it may be hard to initially see thanks to the tall grass!
33rd: In the exit-gate room, turn left at the gate and look behind the metal pipes.

Winded Detour – 2 Chips

34th: From the staircase leading to the checkpoint-gate, jump to the left and take the rising cog up. Make your way across the floating cog platforms to the metal pipes. Beware the high speed of the last 2 cogs! I recommend dashing over the first speedy cog entirely and using the Timewarp ability to better time your jump onto the nearby metal pipe.
35th: At the 3rd corner, behind a wall locked by a melee-gate switch. The melee-gate switch can be found behind some barrels next to the arched doorway that leads to a staircase.

Death’s Door – 2 Chips

36th: When reaching the massive hole in the bridge, carefully jump onto the pieces of wood sticking out along the inner curve.
37th: During the wave battle, run back the way you came.

Storming the Castle – 2 Chips

38th: In the green room, take the cogs onto the top of the platforms the shooters spawned in from, cross the bridge and dash onto the pillar.
39th: In the blue room, enter the cubby in the furthest corner to the right of where you enter from, the chip is behind a bench.
40th: Post-Checkpoint, enter the side with the exit-gate and defeat the first section of enemies. Once in the second half of the area, go all the way to the back and check behind the boxes on the left side.

Quiet Towers – 2 Chips

41st: In the room with the checkpoint gate, climb the stairs and go left. Continue along the bookshelves until you can jump across the smaller pillars to reach the chip.
42nd: Post-Checkpoint on the second big platform, find the cog slightly behind the shelves and jump onto it, then onto the small platform for the chip.

Moment of Truth – 1 Chips

43rd: To the left of the door to Emmeline’s Royal Chamber (facing the throne), a Computer Chip is hidden inside a breakable box tucked next to a pillar.

Act 5

Nowhere But Somewhere – 3 Chips

44th: After riding the rising platform to get to the tower with the stained glass flooring, turn right; Dash onto the vase, then onto the platform with the chip.
45th: Post-Checkpoint, immediately go right and look behind the crates.
46th: On the second floor of the castle, after the first turn, look through the windows across the courtyard for a bright breakable wall, then shoot it with a rocket – You’ll need to aim higher to account for the arc. This wall is right before the exit-gate but must be broken before-hand.
Alternatively, you can manage to shoot this wall through the metal grate next to the lift you get to the second floor from, but this takes some effort to line up.

Speed Brained – 2 Chips

47th: On the island with the spiral ramp, circle around the bottom grassy area until you run into the chip.
48th: At the final scaffolding area, turn around once you reach the 3 pendulums before the exit gate, then dash onto the cog further away from you. Carefully dash for the metal pipe holding the chip. (For better luck landing on the pipe, try dashing from the middle of the cog instead of the edge)

Your Finality – 2 Chips

49th: When arriving to the floating island with the fountain on it, jump from the rising pillar on the left to the small island that the one shooter was aiming from.
50th: In the final phase of Emmeline’s boss fight, look behind where you spawn- Dash off the cog closer to the chip into the void for it.

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