Split Fiction: How to Disable Split Screen with AHK

This guide aims to help players of Split Fiction who wish to disable the split-screen mode and utilize their dual monitors more effectively.


Step-by-Step Instructions

By following these steps, you can customize your gaming experience to fit your specific monitor setup and resolution requirements. This method utilizes Auto Hot Key (AHK), a powerful scripting tool that allows for window manipulation and automation. Please ensure you have basic knowledge of AHK or follow the steps closely to achieve the desired setup.

1. Adjust Game Resolution Settings

  • In the game’s launch settings, set the resolution parameters to match your dual-monitor setup. For example:
    -ResX=5120 -ResY=1440

    Note: Adjust these values based on your monitors’ combined resolution.

2. Download Auto Hot Key (AHK)

3. Create an AHK Script

  • Create an empty text file and rename it with a .ahk extension, for example, full_screen.ahk.
  • Open the file and insert the following script:
    MoveWindow_Main_Left(width, height) {
        WinMove, A, , 0, 0, width, height
        ToolTip, %width%x%height%
        Sleep, 500
    MoveWindow_Main_Left(2560, 1440)
    MoveWindow_Main_Left(5120, 1440)
    • This script uses the Numpad keys 1 and 2 to adjust the game window size.
    • Modify the width and height values to match your monitor resolutions.

4. Run the AHK Script

  • Double-click the .ahk file to activate the script.
  • Launch Split Fiction and set the game window to “borderless window” mode in the video settings.

5. Test the Setup

  • Use Numpad 1 to move the game window to the primary monitor.
  • Use Numpad 2 to stretch the game window across both monitors.

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