A guide for all the achievements in iDigging
Remember that some of these require you to play on default mode!
New Digger
Simply open the game and you should receive it
First steps
Hey Mr. Policeman
Your first meeting with the policeman will trigger this achievement.
Digging Achievements
These achievements will trigger when you reach the required depth when digging, which you can see on your screen while in the ground.
The lengths at which achievements will trigger
- 10 meters
- 50 meters
- 100 meters
- 300 meters
- 700 meters
- Reach the bottom (close to 1000, it wont let you dig deeper)
Surviving police visits
Simply have a camo-carpet above your lawn, covering the hole when the police comes for an inspection. You can ignore the neighbor and not throw tomatoes at him to speed up the process. To save money you can also sit with the game open with camo-carpet on until he visits you 20 times.
You can see when the police will next visit you on the yellow bar on bottom left. When the yellow is fully gone, he will knock on the door in the yard.
The amount of police visits at which achievements will trigger
- 5 police visits
- 10 police visits
- 20 police visits
*note at the time of writing this guide: this would ONLY trigger for me when doing all of them in the same file and without closing the game once. Took me around 2 hours of doing nothing
!make sure you are playing on default mode!
Police Brutality
Let the police officer hit you. Simply dig a whole and do not cover it up, then wait for the inspection.
Keep in mind you will get a fine!
!make sure you are playing on default mode!
Deadly Trick
There are multiple way’s to do this. There are enemies you can die to in the holes such as blue spiders or crocodiles. I believe killing yourself with the bomb should count for this aswell.
China Express
When reaching the deepest depth of digging, dig around until you find a hatch. Interact with the hatch and you will get a cut scene and the achievement will trigger.
I forgot to take a screenshot but it is very obvious, big round hatch.
Keep in mind this will make you lose all your inventory and put you back into the menu
Perfect Throw
For this you want to buy some tomatoes/vegetables and wait for your wife to appear in a window at the house to your left. When she does, simply throw a tomato at her and the achievement will trigger.
!make sure you are playing on default mode!
To do this, you need to bring items inside your house. Once the bar around the house is full you will get a knock on the door, open it, and the cut scene and achievement will trigger.
All the items that count for the bar can be bought in the item shop
The more expensive items you bring, the more money they give.
I recommend digging deeper than -300m for the better items.
<- how it should look
doesn’t matter how items are placed, this is what worked for me