Picayune Dreams: True Ending Guide

This guide will go over HOW to get the ending, tip,s and don’ts, how to defeat each bos,s and more. However, this guide won’t talk bout the lore implications nor what is said in the ending, since it is spoiler free.



I have recently noticed that there is not much information online about how to get this ending, be it on steam, youtube and even the wiki. In this guide you’ll get all the information you need to get that sweet sweet ending and the unlockable.


To get the ending, you must kill the first four mainline bosses (Rabbit, Worm, Biker and Demon) without getting hit by them.

Specifics of a flawless/true ending run:

– You CAN GET HIT by NORMAL ENEMIES and it won’t invalidate your run.


– Your CURSE porcentage DOES NOT MATTER.

– Getting a TRUE FLAWLESS or a normal FLAWLESS does not make any difference. TRUE FLAWLESS is when you don’t use black holes in a fight besides not getting hit in a boss battle.


– You CAN’T get the ending more than once (at least for now).


– The HALO upgrade WILL still INVALIDATE your FLAWLESS if you get hit.


This is by far one of the most important parts of getting the True Ending, you want to keep in mind that you’re making a set to kill the boss effectively while you focus on dodging the attacks, manually aiming is going to get very annoying and WILL make you fail. Good upgrades to consider are the ones that don’t require aim, I’d recommend the Firework Rockets, now, I thought this upgrade was pretty bad, untill i used it for this challenge, and it surprised me on how reliable and useful it is!
I don’t recommend using short distance upgrades like the Chain Belt, and actually I’d recommend the complete opposite, long distance upgrades are the best for this challenge, a long distance upgrade I will NOT recommend however, is the Eye2, it does not deal enough damage and for this type of run, I’d recommend investing in Hunter’s Bow.



Izu Kamiya doesn’t have much secret to it, her attacks are slow and predictable. I saw myself failling because one thing and one thing only, lack of attention. It can get pretty difficult to focus if you just lost a really good run, but she isn’t a very difficult boss and if you just allow yourself to pay attention on her attacks getting a flawless on her will be pretty easy.


If you’re having trouble with Matt, you should first memorize his attack pattern and know when to retreat or when its safe to get close. He attacks in this pattern: Blue, yellow, green, repeat. Its also really good to keep a distance from him because you can always know when he’s gonna dive in your direction. His homing yellow attacks can be tricky to dodge, I recommend circuling around it when it piles up.
Just keep a distance, don’t stop moving and evade his attacks while you let your weapons do the job.


This is the hardest boss of the run in my opinion, you can deal with him however you want, but there’s one rule, DON’T STOP MOVING, or he will catch you.
While he doesn’t attack, just keep going diagonally, when he gets close to you move away between the blue bullets, keep doing this untill he attacks.
In his first attack, when he stops for a second, you’re just gonna keep walking away diagonally, and that is pretty much the GOLDEN advice, keep going diagonally and don’t stop.
His last tricky attack to dogde is the one where he lunges out of his bike, when he does that, pretty much just try to get as far as you can from him, since if you get close to action, it is difficult to dodge.


Her attacks are very difficult to predict and dodge, so my strategy is when she spawns, get as close as possible to her and summon a black hole, then get away from her, just evade her next attack and when she’s about to attack again get close to her and use the black hole again. If you got some nice upgrades and you can dodge pretty well, the battle will be over quick. My recomendation is just to have nice upgrades, because her battle is going to be very annoying if it takes long.

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