(This also applies to those in the mid-late stage of the game)
I hope these two methods to farm explosion XP will serve you!
How to get Explosion skill to level 100
To farm Explosion quickly, I’ve tested a couple of bosses that summon minions or projectiles, and to my surprise, this skill can be farmed in less than one hour. It requires Hard Mortar (level 8) or Bomb Scarab Mortar (level 14) weapons. They are pretty easy to get.
As Explosion XP doesn’t take damage into account (only hits), DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR WEAPONS. You will make enemies last less and effectively waste more time.
I’ve tested a safe and semi-idle approach to level up Explosion skill near the boss arena.
You will need a shovel, conveyors and a huge hole to set everything up.
You will need to create a loop which has an empty space in the middle (to avoid projectiles when turns are made) and at least three empty blocks within the conveyor and the boss arena.
The conveyors will negate you any acid damage and also avoid incoming projectiles. Neat.
With this particular setup, as you have enough distance with the incoming enemies, any explosion of your mortar won’t destroy the conveyors!
This method will ensure you can accumulate minions being AFK and explode them later. Just summon the boss, stay in the loop without moving, and enemies will eventually spawn and try to reach you. It will be slow, but easy.
2st Method (fast, but also risky, requires some tricks): Ra-Akar, Sand Titan Boss
You can try this method to level up faster. It is recommended to have at least level 16 gear, as the battle can get tricky. There is a lot of things to consider, as farming explosion XP will render the fight longer than usual:
- Again, don’t upgrade your weapons. You don’t want more damage, as any hit count as 1XP.
- Try to maintain some distance with the boss. Upgrade explosion radius as soon as possible.
- The boss projectiles are breakable. Aim to the head in order to destroy them once they come and get that sweet XP.
- Dodge the scarab swarm in big circles, as they will get together and the explosions will hit most of them.
- Beware of the damaged scarabs, as their explosions do huge damage! (~500hp)
- When the boss has less than half HP, it will attack faster. You can turn this to your side to get to level 100 faster. Just keep dodging attacks, aiming to the head and focus on the scarab swarm when they appear.
And… that’s all! It won’t take you long until you reach level 100. Congratulations! ^^