The game doesn’t hold your hand at all, here are some tips to quickstart the game.
Starting Up
All mobs outside school area will one-shot you! Just as the prologue hinted, you started very weak even a stray cat could beat you up. The recommended place to start leveling up is “East Corridor F1” right next to the “Infirmary”.
If the school is closed, because of it is night time, just get yourself beaten up and you will instantly teleported to the “Infirmary”.
The Combat
If you are still confused, just click any bubbles that show up, it’s better than letting it explode. It’s pretty easy once you get used to it.
Recommended Grind Location
- East Corridor F1: Level 1
- School Entrance: Level 2
- West Corridor F1: Level 3-4
- Stairs F1: Level 5-6
- Courtyard: Level 7-8
- Inner Courtyard: Level 8-9
- Benches: Level 9-10
- Unused Stairs: Level 11-12
- Hideout: Please don’t fight here yet! There are real players and some of them might be too strong for you to take down.
- Classroom: Level 10-15 (Note that mobs here has higher chance of encountering real players avatar)
You can always check the level of the mobs by clicking that Magnifying Glass (Investigate) in the top middle of the UI.
- Strength: Train at Gymnasium
- Perception: Train at Pool
- Intelligence: Train at Library
- Resolve: Train at Dojo
- Integrity: Train at School Ground
- Tactics: Train at Rooftop’s Edge (Only available during day)
Strength, Perception, and Intelligence directly affects your damage. Resolve and Integrity affects Defense & HP. Tactics affects penetration (it counters the opponent’s Defense).
Important Skills
- Trespassing, allows you to access places during night time. To unlock, go to “Stockroom’s Back” and to a Random Event there.
- Bandage, allows you to self heal during combat. To unlock, get yourself knocked out and transported to Infirmary, then do a random event there.
- Gimmick, allows you to use gimmick during combat. To unlock, do a Random Event in Himawari Park.
- Escape, allows you to use escape during combat. To unlock, get yourself arrested and transported to Detention Center, then do a random event there
Gearing Up
The stats are based on the recipes, the same recipes will yield the same item. So if you found a decent one, you can keep it yourself, or share it with others. By recipes, I mean the materials that you put in there, their quantity, and the order you put those materials in the jar.
Here are things that matters when crafting an accessory:
- The materials you use
- The quantities of those materials
- The order (or steps) of putting those materials
- The total quantities of materials
^ This is what I mean by a recipe. For example if you throw 1 Common Glue then 1 Rare Wire, it will always produces Rare Watch with Strength +1, Intelligence +1. I just shared you one recipe, you can either share these recipes with other, or keep it secret.
If I’m correct, total quantities affect the maximum possible stats. So if you just chuck a single coin, each individual stats won’t go above 1.
Playtime Rewards
Activity Ticket
- Given each day.
- Played for at least 30 minutes.
- Requires School Entrance Lv 1.
- Link to item:
Participation Ticket
- Given each week.
- Played for at least 1.5 hours within a week.
- Requires School Entrance Lv 2.
- Link to item:
Commendation Ticket
- Given each month.
- Played for at least 4.5 hours within a week.
- Requires School Entrance Lv 3.
- Link to item:
These items have no use as yet. I will update the post once they are exchangeable.