Schedule I: How to Move Your Save Data from the Demo to the Full Version

Transferring your save data from the demo version to the full version of Schedule I can be a straightforward process if you follow the correct steps. This guide will provide you with a clear and concise method to migrate your progress, ensuring you can continue where you left off in the full game.


Steps to Move Save Data

By following the instructions below, you can successfully move your save files in just a few minutes.

  1. close the game if it’s open
  2. go to C:\Users\[PCUser]\AppData\LocalLow\TVGS\
  3. navigate into the “Schedule I Free Sample” folder, then “Saves” inside it
  4. select the save you want to move, then copy it
  5. go back to …\LocalLow\TVGS\
  6. navigate into the “Schedule I” folder, then “Saves” inside it
  7. navigate into the folder named after bunch of numbers
  8. paste
  9. open the game, your demo save should be there!

note: new ranks were added in the full game, and certain ingredients that you may have access to in the demo are locked by the Hustler rank (one above Peddler). save up on the important stuff before migrating!

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