Chained Together: How to Save Game at Any Location (Normal Mode)

In the realm of gaming, the ability to save your progress at will is a staple feature that enhances the overall experience. However, in certain games like Chained Together, this functionality may be absent in the normal mode, leading to frustration. Fear not, for we have discovered a method to save your game at any location, ensuring that your progress is never lost. This guide will walk you through the steps to implement this technique effectively.



  • Ensure the same number of players is present.
  • Maintain the same difficulty level.
  • The same host should initiate the game session.


Locating the Save File:

The journey begins by locating the ‘Progress.Sav’ file, which resides in the following directory:

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Chained Together/Saved/SaveGames

This file is the key to our saving mechanism.

Image: Walking A4 and samarsra



This method doesn’t work for lava mode currently. and can only be preserved until the next day.

  1. Reach a secure location within the game where you are not at risk of falling.
  2. Minimize the game to your desktop (using the Windows key) and navigate to the directory where the old ‘Progress.Sav’ file is located.
  3. Delete the old ‘Progress.Sav’ file; consider creating a backup if you wish to be cautious.
  4. Return to the game and wait for approximately five seconds to allow the game to generate a new ‘Progress.Sav’ file at your current location.
  5. Once the new file appears, exit the game to the main menu (this process should be performed by the host only).
  6. From the main menu, select ‘Host Game’ and recreate the exact settings of your previous game, including difficulty, chained/unchained mode, and the number of players.
  7. Invite your teammates to join the newly created lobby.
  8. Begin the new game, which will start at the location where you saved previously.
  9. Within the game, press ESC, and click ‘Load saved game’ to return to the point you saved at in step 1. The game’s duration will be the same as when you initially saved.

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This save game technique is a serendipitous discovery that has been tested and proven to work effectively. While there may be room for optimization, following the steps outlined in this guide will guarantee success.

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