This guide provides a detailed list of commands that can be used in Blade & Sorcery by accessing the in-game console.
Command List
General Commands
addvaluables [Integer number]: Adds random valuables to the player’s inventory.
allowgore [Boolean active]: Toggle Gore (true / false).
breakitems: Break all items.
bugreport [String message]: Submit a bug report.
calibrateHeight [Boolean force]: Calibrate player height.
clearshop [String shopInventoryID]: Clears the inventory of a specified shop.
DespawnAllItems: Despawn all items.
DespawnAllNPC: Despawn all NPCs.
DespawnPlayer: Despawn the player.
devmode: Activate Developer mode.
DungeonSuccess: Trigger the Dungeon Success event.
EndWave: End the current wave.
exit: Quit the game.
FindMapPiece: Find a Dalgarian map piece.
forceCalibration: Change the forceCalibration variable.
functionbutton [Integer num]: Presses one of the function buttons to interact with the spectator.
gc: Get the list of creatures available.
gct: Get the list of creature tables available.
GetDay: Get the current day.
GetDungeonSeed: Get the current dungeon seed.
getlevels: Get all available levels.
GetProgressLevel: Get the progression level.
gi: Get the list of items available.
gotogolemarena: Go to the golem arena.
gr: Get all areas.
help: Prints all commands.
help [String commandName]: Prints all matching commands.
infinitearrows [Boolean active]: Set infinite arrows (true / false).
infiniteimbue [Boolean active]: Set infinite imbue (true / false).
invincibility [Boolean active]: Set invincibility (true / false).
jsonout [String categoryName] [String id]: Show a JSON’s full data as a string for debug purposes.
KillAll: Kill all entities.
killgolem: Break all golem crystals.
LevelUp: Progression Level Up.
ListAvailableLore: List all available lore to be picked up.
ListUncollectedLore: List all lore that hasn’t been found yet and their conditions.
loadlevel [String levelId]: Load the specified level ID (e.g.,
loadlevel market
). -
loadlevel [String levelId] [String modeName]: Load the specified level ID and mode name (e.g.,
loadlevel arena survival
). -
loadlevel [String levelId] [String modeName] [String[] options]: Load the specified level ID, mode name, and options (e.g.,
loadlevel dungeon null [length=1 seed=1234]
). -
loadmodehome: Load the home level for the current game mode.
loadspell [String spellID] [Side side]: Load a spell to the player (usage:
loadspell [spellID] [side]
). - Saves logs to persistentDataPath.
- [String filePath]: Saves logs to the specified file.
MarkAllLoreRead: Marks all lore in a dungeon as read for faster testing.
MusicConnectDefaultDynamicMusicModule: Connect all dynamic music modules.
MusicConnectDynamicMusicModule [String moduleKey]: Connect dynamic music module with the specified key.
MusicDisconnectAllDynamicMusicModule: Disconnect all dynamic music modules.
MusicDisconnectDynamicMusicModule [String moduleKey]: Disconnect dynamic music module with the specified key.
MusicLoad [String musicDataName]: Load all music segments from the specified music data.
MusicPlayStingerEffect [String moduleKey] [Integer stingerIndex]: Force play the stinger effect from the specified module key with the effect index.
MusicTransition: Transition from the current music group to no music group.
MusicTransition [String nextTransitionGroupId]: Transition from the current music group to the specified music group ID.
openlorejournal: Open the lore journal.
passtime [Integer days]: Advances the game’s time by the specified number of days.
PerfRoomTest: Start performance room test.
PerfTest: Performance test.
PerfTest [String levelId]: Performance test for the specified level.
PickLore [Integer loreId]: Pick a lore from the available list. (Use
to return it to the pool or mark it as read). -
prefs.clear: Deletes all PlayerPrefs fields.
prefs.delete [String key]: Deletes a PlayerPrefs field.
prefs.float [String key]: Returns the value of a Float PlayerPrefs field.
prefs.float [String key] [Float value]: Sets the value of a Float PlayerPrefs field.
- [String key]: Returns the value of an Integer PlayerPrefs field.
- [String key] [Integer value]: Sets the value of an Integer PlayerPrefs field.
prefs.string [String key]: Returns the value of a String PlayerPrefs field.
prefs.string [String key] [String value]: Sets the value of a String PlayerPrefs field.
ReadAllLore: Mark all lore as read.
ReleaseLore [Integer loreId] [Boolean hasRead]: Release Lore. If hasRead is true, it will mark it as read. Otherwise, it will return the lore to the available list.
reloadjson: Reload all JSON files.
reloadlevel: Reload the current level.
reloadlevelkeepseed: Reload the current level with the same seed.
ResetMapPieces: Reset the map piece count.
ResetProgressLevel: Reset the progression level.
resetshoptut: Reset the shop to play the tutorial again.
sc [String creatureId]: Spawn a creature (usage:
spawncreature [creatureID]
). -
sc [String creatureId] [Integer factionId] [String containerID] [String brainId] [String ethnicityId]: Spawn a creature with specified attributes (use
command for the list of creatures). -
scb [ComboButton comboButton]: Set combo button action (use external view lock button to toggle).
scene.load [String sceneName]: Load a scene.
scene.load [String sceneName] [LoadSceneMode mode]: Load a scene with the specified mode.
scene.loadasync [String sceneName]: Load a scene asynchronously.
scene.loadasync [String sceneName] [LoadSceneMode mode]: Load a scene asynchronously with the specified mode.
scene.restart: Restart the active scene.
scene.unload [String sceneName]: Unload a scene.
scr [String creatureId] [Float rotation]: Spawn a creature with the specified rotation.
sct [String creatureTableId]: Spawn a creature from a creature table (use
for the list of creature tables). -
sctr [String creatureTableId] [Float rotation]: Spawn a creature from a creature table with the specified rotation.
SetBitmask [Integer bitmask]: Set the bitmask.
setbreakable [Boolean active]: Set breakables on or off (true / false).
SetCulling [Boolean enable]: Enable or disable culling.
SetDay [Integer day]: Set the current day.
SetLightProbe [Boolean active]: Set light probe.
setmoney [String amount] [Float amount]: Set the player’s money amount.
SetOceanQualityHigh: Set ocean to high quality (wave quality).
SetOceanQualityLow: Set ocean to low quality (plane quality).
SetOculusMRC [State state]: Set Oculus MRC state (0 = Disabled, 1 = WaitConnection, 2 = Enabled).
setplayerfaction [Integer factionId]: Set player faction (usage:
setplayerfaction [factionId]
). -
SetPlayerVisibilityDistance [Float sightDistance]: Set player visibility distance from NPCs.
SetProbeVolume [Boolean active]: Set probe volume.
SetProgressionLevel [Integer level]: Set the progression level (unloads the current level).
setspectatorshooter [String Item ID] [Float Speed]: Set the item and speed for the spectator’s G key function.
SetSwimCurlThresh [Float value]: Set swim finger curl threshold.
settimescale [Float scale]: Set time scale (0 to 1).
ShopRefresh: Refresh shop content.
ShopRestock: Force the shop to restock.
si [String itemId] [Boolean owned]: Spawn an item.
Additional Commands
spawngolem [Boolean wakeImmediately]: Spawn a golem in the current scene.
speclisten [Boolean spectator]: Attach the audio listener to the spectator.
sr [Integer width] [Integer height] [Boolean fullscreen]: Set monitor resolution (width, height, fullscreen).
stealthmode: Toggle enemy detection Field of View (FoV) lines.
StopPerfRoomTest: Stop performance room test.
Suicide: Player suicide.
sysinfo: Print system information.
text.add [String str]: Place text in the world.
text.clear: Clear all texts in the world.
time.scale: Return the current Time.timeScale value.
time.scale [Float value]: Set the Time.timeScale value.
toggleeyeanim: Toggle whether the player’s eyes move around.
togglefourthwall: Toggle whether the player can look at the spectator camera.
toggleinventorywheel [Side side]: Open or close the inventory wheel side.
toggleoptionsmenu: Open or close the player options menu.
togglephysicstep: Toggle physic timestep between Default (Android) and Halved (PC).
togglespellwheel [Side side]: Open or close the spell wheel side.
tp [Integer areaManagedId]: Teleport player to the specified area index.
tpByName [String areaDataId]: Teleport player to the specified area by name.
tpDungeonEnd: Teleport player to the end of the outpost.
tpToSpectator: Teleport the player to the spectator camera position.