I just take a lot of notes about games I play and want to share what I think is the best opening stat spread 😀
Stat Choices
Opening Tombstone:
The stat you should skip is Literature & Writing, while choosing every other stat once. I’ll add an answer key below.
1st level up: + 2 History & Politics, + 2 Literature & Writing (technically optional,) and + 1 Science & Logic.
2nd level up: + 5 Arts & Music.
And I used my free book point on Literature & Writing, but you can do whatever you like with it.
This way, you’ll only have to skip two potential conversation checks, and I believe get as much xp as possible.
Opening Tombstone Answers

Experience Breakdown
This is everything I’ve found that gives xp for interacting with it, most things you can click on don’t. There are other things that give xp as well, but they are things you can’t avoid, like going into a room or putting on the new dress.
this game really needs a manual. buying from GoG gives you nothing.
still stuck in dungeon.
Just a quick tip: No skill check in the game is higher than 25 but you can waste skill points going higher. A dress that gives +3 to all stats is obtainable later in the game so you might not want to go above 22.