Welcome to the comprehensive guide for unlocking all achievements in Split Fiction. This guide will provide you with detailed instructions and tips to achieve 100% completion.
Achievement List and Tips
Play Me Techno
- Location: Use Mio’s ball and whip to break windows and reach the pedestrian bridge. Destroy the ball to complete the objective.
- Tip: Focus on timing your throws accurately.
Rose’s Best Friend
- Description: Detach the leg and ear of Rose’s favorite toy.
Are We the Baddies?
- Description: Destroy the floor beneath the people using a ball.
Goin’ Whole Hog
- Location: As Mio the pig, use the charge ability to collide with a sleeping pig.
- Tip: Aim for a direct hit to ensure success.
Huffing and Puffing
- Description: Break the brick house by hitting the rear target.
- Location: Use Mio’s charge ability behind the red brick house to destroy it.
- Tip: Position yourself correctly before charging.
Sisters: A Tale Of Two Besties
- Description: Sit on all six benches in the game.
Neon Vengeance – 1st Bench
Right after the cutscene where Mio and Zoe are arguing inside the machine in the pool, continue along the main path and use the grappling hook. You’ll see a bench with buttons to interact with.
Hopes of Spring – 2nd Bench
After you open the Ice King’s door, enter the room. Before solving the crate puzzle, look left towards the mountain and you’ll see a bench.
Final Dawn – 3rd Bench
Right after delivering the engine, you’ll find a new room. The bench is there.
Rise of the Dragon Realm – 4th Bench
Isolation – 5th Bench
After passing the section where Mio becomes a platform and helps Zoe solve the magnetism puzzles, you’ll find a structure that resembles a giant trash can with a bench next to it.
Isolation – 6th Bench (check)
After completing the puzzle where Zoe needs to move the rock and Mio needs to move the ball of light, this bench will be right in front of you.
Robot Revolution
- Description: Defeat the robot at the reception.
- Location: Enter the building with the twins’ image and destroy the friendly robot at the reception.
You Are Not a Robot
- Description: Pass the Turing test.
A Friendly Push
- Description: Push another character while in animal form.
- Location: Zoe sits on the swings while Mio, as a monkey, gives her a powerful push.
- Tip: Time the push correctly to send the swings soaring.
Cold Potato
- Description: Complete the game show without detonating the bomb.
- Location: Complete the gameshow without the bomb exploding.
- Tip: Communicate with your partner and move carefully to avoid triggering the bomb.
One Bird, Three Stones
- Description: Knock down a bird with three snowballs.
- Location: As Mio the monkey, throw all snowballs off the bridge near the snowman.
Potion Chef
- Description: Brew a potion in the cauldron.
- Location: At the Moon Market, create all potions listed on the recipe board in the cauldron shop.
Chair the Load
- Description: Turn your friend into a chair and jump on it.
- Location: Use the magic wand in the tent to transform your partner into a chair and sit on them.
The Cake is Not a Lie
- Description: Discover the hidden passage.
- Location: In the teleportation chamber, jump onto the wall and enter the secret room to find the hidden portal.
- Tip: Explore every nook and cranny for hidden passages.
Feed Me
- Description: Feed the baby dragons with berries.
- Location: Offer a snack to the dragon in the Water Temple.
- Objective: Complete all 12 side quests.
- Description: Stories appear as portals during world changes. 11 are on the main path, Zoe always warns about their appearance. Only one story is hidden in Neon Vengeance.

- Neon Vengeance: “The Legend of the Sandfish” (main path); “Farmlife” (behind a metal structure).
- Hopes of Spring: “Train Heist” (after completing the rod puzzle); “Gameshow” (left side after the giant).
- Last Dawn: “Kites” (after exiting the disks); “Moon Market” (activate the bridge with plush fish).
- Dragon Rise: “Slopes of War” (second floor entrance after the zip-line puzzle).
- Space Escape: Open area with a volcano in the background.
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
- Description: Find the water splashes and swim through them.
- Location: As a small boat, navigate to the bubbling water spot.
- Tip: Follow the water currents to find the hidden area.
- Description: Knock the box off your ally.
- Location: Use the cardboard box during the turret scene to shoot and destroy enemies.
Tazed and Confused
- Description: Kill your ally with the tank’s turret.
- Location: Use the electrified crane to shock Zoe.
Locked Up
- Description: Lock your ally in a cage.
- Location: Place Zoe on the bench inside the cell and lock it using Mio’s computer.
- Tip: Ensure Zoe is seated before locking the cell.
- Description: Complete the game.