Everything in this game wants to use your Kane, this guide will provide you the best sources of Kane (That I can think of)
Why do I need to farm Kane?

(Example: Upgrading from Rank EX1>Rank EX2 (which is the 7th>8th rank upgrade) will cost you just about 1 MILLION KANE)

So now you might be wondering; What are some ways to earn some good amount of Kane in this game? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you the many ways you can get them and I’ll try to rank them from Best to worst.
There are other and better ways to grind for character EXP and using Data Chips + Kane are just not worth the cost.
It literally cost you 150k Kane just to upgrade a character from 47>50

- 1>35 Defeating Endrone with Muscle Lunch buff active
- 35>40 Completing Rifts or Endrone if you don’t have any boosters left
- 40+ Defeating the Final Floor boss in Fractal Vice
You’d thank me for this. Anyways, lets get on to the main section of the guide now.
Claiming your Daily Challenges from Happy Worker

- What if I need TP to upgrade my Tension cards?”
Tension card still needs your Kane as upgrade cost, so you’re still better off getting more Kane than getting TPs from the daily rewards. Chest already gives you sufficient enough TP for what you need. I would say only If you need a lot of TP like upgrading a card from 40>50, then I’d say it’s okay to take the TP rewards from your daily challenges
Claiming the Luxurious Chest every 2 days
Here are the spots for them.
Farming Major Bosses and Selling their drops

Farming major bosses also have the benefit of being able to farm for their Tension Cards. although in my opinion they’re kind of average and not that great, but maybe it would be useful in the future, who knows!
Farming Overworld Mobs
Farming Overworld Mobs has several benefits, the obvious one is that they give you Materials to use in Character Rank upgrade and Tension Card upgrades. but they can also give you their Tension Card and Most importantly, Boosters!
The farming spot that I use is in Minato City, Odaiba Plaza and to the right of the teleporter. there are atleast 6 enemies here with 4 different type of mobs, so you can get different mob materials here and the teleporter is pretty close so you can just respawn them quickly.

If you find a better spot, do let me know and I might include them in this section!
Boosters are used in Rifts to get materials for Character Rank upgrade and Tension Card upgrades. I won’t go into detail right now but the most important part is that enemies drop these and these should be your target when farming overworld mobs!
As I’ve mentioned before, Enemies has a chance to drop their tension card when killed and they will continue to drop it even if you already got a card ascended to their max level. You can use the extra duplicate cards and convert them to “Enigmatic Pieces”. You can use these Enigmatic Pieces to buy 1* cards from Card Station Ω in Safe zones or buy stuff in the Enigmatic Piece Exchange shop in the shop section. In the Enigmatic Piece Exchange shop, you have the option to Exchange 1 pieces for 100 kane. This isn’t much but it does add up if you keep farming mobs and rack up a lot of the duplicate cards, so don’t sleep on these!
And last but not least, you can sell the mob materials for 10 kane Each. again it’s not much but if you get like 1k materials, you get 10k Kane out of it.
Farming Rifts

I’m going on a rant/tangent here but I HATE Rifts just because they take too long to go through, especially when you have like 30 of them laying around. it takes me like an hour just to get through all of them and god I wish they add a sweep feature or streamline the process of clearing these rifts, cause god d### I despise them. I’ve heard they’re adding other ways to use your Boosters so we’ll just have to see whats that all about.
Closing thoughts
Oh and also huge thanks to the r/TribeNine discord server members for helping out with the research for this Guide.
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