This is a guide on how to install the Yarimono patches for both the base game and DLC.

Select Adult.
Select Patches at the top.
Search for “Yarimono” on the page (Ctrl + F) or scroll until you see it. You will need an account to get these patches so make one now if you don’t have one already.
Patch Links
- Yarimono Patch:
- Yarimono DLC Patch:
Click on the patch, select Buy Now on the right, then complete the checkout. You will not have to enter any payment information since they are free patches. After checkout is complete, the patches will now be available for download in your Game Library. Select the download icon at the bottom right of the patch to bring up download options. Download from the source of your choice.
If you do, check the Unblock box, then select OK or Apply and close the Properties window. While blocked files aren’t guaranteed to cause problems, they can cause unexpected issues.
A window will pop up asking you to choose where you want to extract the files. If you leave the path as-is, it will exact the files to the same directory where the .zip file is located. With the desired path entered, select Extract at the bottom. This may take a few minutes to complete.
In the patch files you extracted in the previous section, drill down into the folders until you see the contents. Right-click on the folder named data, then select Copy. Paste that folder into the game’s folder you just opened.
Since the patch files contain modified versions of the game’s existing files, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing files. Select Replace the files in the destination and wait for the copy to complete.
Patch Complete