TRIBE NINE: Best Ways to Farm EXP

Leveling a character is important for progression. This guide will teach you the best way to farm EXP efficiently.


Why do I need to farm EXP?

Character leveling is a very important progression system because they affect the amount of base stats the character have and they also lock you out of Rank Upgrades if the character doesn’t meet the level requirements.
Another important reason for you to be leveling up your character is for XB matches. in XB, character stats plays a huge role in their capability of Hitting/Pitching/Taking a base/Defending a base, so if you want to have a higher chance of winning in XB matches, you’d want your character to be at a high level.

  • “Can’t I just farm the same boss for every level, why do I need a guide?”

Well you can, but it’s not fast and efficient. Enemies will start to give less and less EXP once you are over their levels (It basically halves your EXP gain if you’re 1 level above them and it gets worse from there) so it’s important to find a different enemy once you overlevels them.

  • “Then shouldn’t I just be farming the highest level enemy instead?”

Not really, it’s better to farm the more accessible enemies in the overworld first instead of heading straight into Fractal Vice and wasting time to get to the final boss which can take a very long time to get to.and you’re not even guaranteed to be able to defeat it due to the difficulty.


This guide assumes that you already have the maximum amount of stamp and have unlocked the level 50 cap. If you are under level 50, the amount of EXP you get may differ because Overworld and Rift boss level scales with the amount of stamps you have.

Don’t use Data Chips for EXP

  • “Why shouldn’t I use Data Chips for gaining EXP, aren’t they supposed to be the main source of EXP”

Data Chips requires you to spend Kane in order to use them and the amount of Kane needed is just not worth the amount of EXP you’re getting for it when there are a lot more efficient way to farm for Character EXP.
It literally cost you 150k Kane just to upgrade a character from 47>50
Kane are used for almost everything in this game, so it’s best to use them for more important things like Character ranks or Tension Card upgrades.

Level 1>35 – Farming Endrone with Muscle Lunch

Defeating Endrone with the Muscle Lunch buff active gives you about 13k Character EXP when you are under level 30, after level 30>35 you’ll only get 6.7k but thats still a good amount of EXP compared to other Overworld bosses. You can buy Muscle Lunch recipe from Beroro after progressing far enough into the story.

Endrone can only spawn in Minato City, after completing Chapter 1: Hazardous Workplace.
Endrone respawns on a fixed respawn point but where they’ll respawn is random, These are the spots that Endrone can spawn in:
You’ll eventually see where the Overworld bosses are currently in after you unlock all of the respite unit, but you can use this map if you still haven’t unlocked all of the respite unit yet.

Level 36>40 – Completing Rifts

Rifts are the next best source of EXP, specifically the final boss for the Rift gives you quite a decent amount of EXP when defeated. The chest are also a good source for extra EXP and loot.
Although Rifts does require you to farm for Boosters to enter, so if you don’t have any Boosters left, alternatively you can farm Fractal Vice mobs, which we’ll get into next.

Level 41>46 – Farming Fractal Vice Mobs

Fractal Vice Mobs gives a good amount of EXP, especially if you lure them into a gang fight instead of fighting them 1 by 1. Keep in mind that B1F will always have level 40 enemies, so you might want to explore ahead into the next floor before your farm the same time you can also farm the Fractal Vice Boss if you think you have what it takes to defeat it, speaking of which is the last best source of EXP.

Level 47-50 – Defeating the Fractal Vice Boss

Lastly, Fractal Vice Boss. This is the best way to farm EXP when you are above level 46 because the Boss is level 50 which no other enemy in the game has. I only recommend doing this last because the time it takes to get to the boss is not worth your time compared to the previous farming method.

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