Welcome to the comprehensive achievement guide for Schedule I. This guide aims to provide clear and concise instructions to help you unlock all the achievements in the game.
There are a total of 11 achievements so far in Early Access.

- Start the game and play through the prologue (don’t skip).

- After the prologue (skipped or not), proceed with the main quest. After hearing an explosion, return to the RV and read the note.

- Continue with the main quest (satisfy 1 of 3 contacts to unlock Benji) and eventually you’ll recruit (after paying $500) your first dealer. He will be at the motel in room 2.

- Currently, it automatically unlocks after starting a game but I would presume that in order for you to get this normally, you’d need to start mixing product to obtain a higher value.

- When you’re loading your save file, you can check your net worth.

- Buy a few Trash Grabbers ($20 each) from Dan’s Hardware store and pick up any cigarette butts, newspaper, syringes, leaves, bottles, cans etc… and dump them into the Cash for Trash machines. Now rinse and repeat!

- Buy the Golden Skateboard for $1500 (cash) from Jeff at the Shred Shack.

- You can do this a few ways. Be out after curfew, run away from an attempted search, let the police find drugs on you during random search, assault or get caught stealing. Be creative!

- After fulfilling a customer’s order via app, crouch behind them and interact to pickpocket. Play a mini-game to steal drugs back.